Unlock character/target frames?

If I remember correctly your character and your target frames were locked to the top left of the screen in vanilla.

Has anyone on beta tested if they were able to unlock or move these frames like you can in retail?

I know they put in the updated raid frames, was wondering If they will use the updated character and Target frames too then.

I’ve seen a video where Preach had moved them. I’m not sure if he was using an addon or an old wow script that you can just type in, but it definitely can be done.

Yes by default the player and enemy frames are moveable.

Right click, unlock, move frame to wherever.


How to move the unit frames without using an addon

Move player unit frame
/script PlayerFrame:SetMovable(1)PlayerFrame:StartMoving()
Then move around your mouse and the frame will move.

Stop moving player unit frame
/script PlayerFrame:StopMovingOrSizing()PlayerFrame:SetMovable()

Move target unit frame
/script TargetFrame:SetMovable(1)TargetFrame:StartMoving()

Stop moving target unit frame
/script TargetFrame:StopMovingOrSizing()TargetFrame:SetMovable()

Target of target will move after the target unit frame


I ran these scripts and they worked, but I’m not seeing Target of Target. Any idea why not? Thanks for the scripts

Target of target is a toggle in Settings.

@blaeke I ran those scripts and they worked great, however everytime I log out the frames go back to their original position. Is there a way to have the new location persist until I change it again?

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I use an old addon called “Move Anything” it’s not actually updated for classic but it still works. I had to remove one function from the LUA to get rid of a couple of errors but besides that works great. Lets you move and resize pretty much any UI element.

IT WORKS ON A MAC. This must be some Soros Epstein Trump Clinton Gates cabal!!! DOES NOT WORK ON A PC.