Why can I see all of the recipes I unlearned in my engineering drop down tab titled “unlearned”, but have no way of relearning them except by grinding 12 years of engineering all over again? Am I missing something?


I would assume you choose to drop engineering at some point as you are limited to two primary professions at a time. So now that you choose to re-level the profession, you have to relearn the patterns you wish to use just like you would have to picking up and other profession.

Hmmm…everything else in this game is dumbed down to max alt numbers but professions get no love. I feel like I’m on a conveyor belt that has no real choice. My two cents, anyway ,thanks for the reply.

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I thought you could visit the Engineering trainer for each expansion and re-learn the trainer recipes. All recipe drops/farmed and such have to be re-acquired though.

Most of them have a skill level requirement to them.

The scrolls will only re-teach you patterns you learned from non-repeatable quests in Legion or BfA. There are no scrolls for previous expansions. Patterns that are drops or bought from trainers or from repeatable quests or from discovery are not re-taught, you have to re-grind them. I would never never never never never never recommend switching primary professions unless you are very very very very very very certain you will never go back to it.

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yeah so now we cant use our mailbox etc> i didnt ever stop being an engineer but all classic etc is unlearned why

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