With the exact same gear on live and on PTR a player will see Hammer of Light does 1milliom less damage on the PTR than on live servers.
Blizzard, why?
With the exact same gear on live and on PTR a player will see Hammer of Light does 1milliom less damage on the PTR than on live servers.
Blizzard, why?
Is there anything that could be effecting that? What dummies are you testing on or are you testing on players?
I watched a video of a professional doing the testing, it is on youtube if you want to see what training dummies he’s using, and all of his other parameters. He even insured that he was not getting certain procs so damage would be equal had there not been a new bug or nerf.
No undatamined nerfs that I can find in the base, maybe it is a bug I’m not sure. Is he testing out the tier set as well? Whats his name on youtube I’ll take a look. Curious if hes trying it with s1 tier set or s2 because a lot of the s2 tier sets have bugs.
No new tier set on, he tested it with the exact same gear on as his live character. Ensuring Procs and buffs were the same.
new bug, hol is hitting before the crusade stacks in ptr instead of after, among other issues.
h ttps:// youtu.be/NfTMB04FLW4?si=iQwtFVtbHzl7L5fb
alright just log on ptr whenever its up and report it. thats all we can do.
Theres many bugs so its not just ret. enh shaman for example has a big bug with its tier set where lightning bolt consumes winning streak stacks even if you have no maelstrom weapon stacks at all (15% chance to consume winning streak when you use Maelstrom Weapon) so we just constantly lose stacks, even worse if you play Stormbringer since Lightning Bolt hits twice when its buffed via Arc Discharge.
Shadow priests have a lot as well. just gotta report