Unity legendary disables when swapping gear with the built in gear manager if you have unity in different slots on different sets.
To reproduce:
- Craft Unity in 2 different slots
- Save 2 different gear sets with them in different slots
- Swap between them
- Use covenant ability - it acts like you don’t have Unity on at all
Workaround: Unequip or swap to gear set without Unity in it, then swap back.
Mildly frustrating.
Find a weakaura here that alerts you if your unity is not working: https://wago.io/8YMga2M7S
Thank you for this. I couldn’t figure out why only 1 of my Unity’s were working… Mildly frustrating indeed…
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+1 for me, I just experienced this today but idk for how long it’s been a thing. I swapped to Kyrian and I’m supposed to see celestial come out and for about 1 hour nothing was happening. I unequip and reequip and now it’s working properly.
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Bump. This is mad annoying.
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Kittencute here, changed to my retail toon on forums lol, anyways someone named nexy had a great idea to create a weakaura to alert you on ready checks if your unity needs to be unequipped/re-equipped to work by checking if the Unity aura spell id for your class is active.
Find it here: https://wago.io/IxMhs-_dB
Update: I made one myself that checks 0.5s after gear swaps too, and is not timed but shows any time you have unity equipped and are missing the effects: https://wago.io/8YMga2M7S
New weakaura check available if you guys want it, the weakaura loads only when a Unity piece is equipped, and shows a large message if you don’t have the Unity effect active reminding you to re-equip - it triggers on gear swaps, ready checks, and reloads/logins so should be very reliable: https://wago.io/8YMga2M7S
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thanks for WA
this blizzard bug is annoying (
Still broken. Was hoping they would have stealth fixed it.
The unity legendary is not always affecting my character. As an example, when I am wearing freezing winds legendary, my unity legendary is in my waist slot. If I change gear sets (via my saved gear set) to my single target build, my unity legendary is in my chest slot and my other legendary is on my waist. Unity does not proc in that case unless I remove and re-equip it. It also happens when I zone into raids and dungeons.
While using a Weakaura to track it helps, it is tedious to do so and to have to un-equip and re-equip unity. Granted I just made a dummy set that doesn’t have unity on it.
not sure if just me but i never got this bug when the Unity is in Wrist slot
It seems that in 9.2.5 it looks like Unity is no longer an aura, and maybe the spells track if it is active by bonus id on gear instead? In any case, it’s possible that this issue is fixed, will need more testing - can no longer verify it is working via GetPlayerAuraBySpellID
Well, since the patch hit today, I cannot get the benefit of my unity in any slot now. I spent 5 minutes casting on a target dummy and didn’t have a single deathborne proc.
Even checking for the buff (for mages), using:
/run print( GetPlayerAuraBySpellID(364852))
It returns nothing when it would normally return the spell information.
I tried only equip’ing unity (in head, neck, waist, and chest slots) and it still doesn’t proc.
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Just tested: issue is NOT fixed. Easy test = 2min CD convoke on druid fae with unity. But WA not working 
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Blizz, this is still a bug. It’s even worse now because 9.2.5 broke the weakaura that checks for the Unity hidden aura. Please look into fixing this huge bug.
Apologies for the necro, but it’s August 12th and this is still happening.
Mildly frustrating is putting it nicely.
Just re-iterating that this is a bug. I first encountered it yesterday when I switched Marksman to a belt unity from my normal neck one.
The Weakauras above are also now broken due to the new patch.
EDIT: For anyone with this issue - I found a working weakaura (which includes a button to quickly let you re-equip it):