<Unity> Hosting a "Hollidays Make Up MC Raid" Saturday Nov 30

<Unity> is hosting a MC raid this Saturday 7:30 invites and aiming for 8pm start time. This is a make up raid for people that missed the main raids due to the holidays. Will be a mix of our mains / alts / and PUGS. Loot will be straight rolling with a -40 after winning. This should limit people to 1 or 2 items but leave the chance at more. Mains / Alts / PUGs all roll equally. Only reserved items will be legendary’s, spellpower recipe, and ingot. Other patterns rolled between Max level professions and cores will be rolled between people at the end of raid. BoE’s rolled at end of raid. Any questions hit me up on discord or in game!

Discord: Posh#6435
In Game: Posh