Unity Belt bugged

Unity Belt is not reducing Convoke of the Spirits to 1 minute but it is still reducing the spells from 16 to 12.


Same issue, on a Unity I crafted at 291. Isn’t reducing the cooldown to 1min.

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Tried swapping covenants but still doesn’t work. Regular convoke legendary still works just not the unity ones.

Exiting and logging back in fixed it.

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Either relogging worked or they already fixed it. I tried relogging a few times, on 3rd relog it’s seeming to be fixed

For Kyrian Rogues, the belt isn’t charging 4 combo points.
EDIT: seems to be working now

Crafted 291 belt isn’t reducing the cooldown of Boon of the Ascended for Kyrian either, and relogging is not fixing it for me.

edit: Logging out and waiting 30 sec fixed it. I just needed to relog HARDER

Same for me…my belt 261 unity only work on my feral spec . On resto doent work

I have this same issue. For me, I was able to figure out that the issue was caused by equipping Cinch of Unity when I also had my old Celestial Spirits (Night Fae) legendary equipped. This bugged out the game.

Removing the legendaries and relogging fixed the issue.

Not working for Spear of bastion (Kyrian warrior) either.

Relogging helped but it really should NOT be needed.

No blues on this bug ??? Now my belt wont reduce convoke cooldown on anyspec

Resto Druid Convoke cd still not going down to 1 minute when Unity belt is equipped unless you jump through hoops (relog, unequip/equip, change specs, change covenants, etc) until you find something that works.

Still bugged. I changed to Resto spec then had to relog in order to get my Convoke cd to go down to 1 minute. I did some other tests and each time I change specs, the Convoke cd goes back to 2 min.