United cove = ripcord?

Hoping to hear more about this tomarrow but what do you guys think? potential rip cord?

I’m pretty sure all that means is Draka, Renethal, The Winter Queen, and Blue Pigeon Lady (or their representatives) will all be hanging out and giving us quests in the staging point for whatever the new content is.





Everybody keeps talking about ripcord, is that a discord knockoff or something?

i giggled at it too xD

its a long story but its basicly a push for removing abilities from cov specifics and allowing us to chose which ability without being pigeonheld into a cov

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Nah I highly doubt it. Blizz has explained before such a ripcord would undermine the entire system and they disagree with those players to begin with.

Uniting I think is just a story reason, there’s a big evil dude we need a solid front against. The covenants have always been on the same side anyways.


as long as i can buy those spikes from the Maldraxxus covenant - i fully support this!

The only reason they disagree is because locking them means if we feel we made a wrong choice we would have to take the time to grind the new covenant out meaning more time played .

It would of been easy to make it so things like class abilities worked with all the covenants. All it would of taken is a conduit to make it work . Those that wanted to switch abilities could use said conduit and those that didn’t want to could use another conduit in its place.

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There will be no ripcord-pulling. They’re not going to trash a major expansion feature only 1 content patch in.

Also, “uniting the covenants” doesn’t mean you suddenly become an avatar of all four. The press release implies that you can unlock flying only within your own covenant’s domain (possibly, we’ll find out for sure tomorrow). You’re staying loyal to one and only one.

The only thing you’re doing is gathering covenant-related NPCs for the Torghast raid. That’s it.

Wow. Can we at least use a non-winged rodent to refer to the Kyrians?

yeah and that’s worked so well for them in the past with things like Flying in WoD :rofl:

Eventually they will end up having to put some kind of fix in for covenant balance. Just look at Warlocks, Venthyr is getting buffed like crazy, but is still complete :poop: in comparison.

The system will never be good because if they change the meta, it will screw with the majority of players that make meta choices, and right now it’s just screwing over the people who actually went with their heart. I’m sure we’ll get a fix in 9.3.

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You have some bizarre reading comprehension if you got that from the sentence that was posted on MMO-C. Pretty sure any sane reading of that sentence is that flying will be available in the 4 covenant zones but not the maw or the new zone, not that you’ll be restricted to your own covenant zone. How you got that is beyond me.

we dont need a ripcord. find another game to play.

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Sounds like an Armies of Legionfall thing.

Remember when all Class Halls joined forces to fight the Legion on the Broken Shore?


They were still separated on Gameplay. Legionfall was just a way Blizzard found to make a single campaign instead of twelve lol


Do you remember those old corded phones? Did you ever forget you had it in your hand and run after your niece who you were baby sitting who was headed for the stairs causing you to rip it out of the wall?

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I think they should pull the ripcord. Being able to stay in my covenant but experiment with other soulbinds and powers would be nice.

Make covenants how they were supposed to be from the start. Purely cosmetic

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I suppose when I hear the words “covenant domain” I assume it’s going to be something closely tied to… you know… the covenant?

Happy to be wrong here, as it would be preferable to have flying in all zones, but I don’t see how that interpretation makes me insane.

So wait, we can only fly in one freaking area…why, just why.

Not confirmed. That was my interpretation based on the language of the press release, but I can’t say for sure.