Unique Experience for Both of us, Ignore other post!

Hey, so Last night I made a lengthy post and realized most people don’t want to read that and got zero responses, and realized I was being a bit impatient at a servers downtime.

I am offering my body to any guild that’s willing to give me a home. What does that mean? Well it’s simple. I’ll give it a bit of time today to let people look at this point, but basically I am going to insta 110 a new toon and delete all my other toons after selling everything on this server for extra gold.

My offer is simple, give me a home and you get whatever Race/Class/Role you want, as long as I get a fair chance at joining any raid team you have I’ll be happy.

No PVP Only guilds please, not a huge fan of PvP.

I have 11 years experience in this game, so I know all roles fairly well, but want to become better at one of them rather then floating off 10 toons like I use to and not being paticularly “Good” at any of them.

Any offers respond here, or send me a DM on Discord: Jammy#9263

Hey Jammy,

I tried to add you on discord to have a chat, it’s blocked and says u’ve hired a samurai to slay all friend requests! Add me on discord Ollorin#5914 or any officer on BNet (details below)

Fathom is a friendly Horde mythic progression guild on Mal’Ganis that also aims to not stand in bad stuff! We raid Fri and Sat 8:00pm to 11:00pm CST and are currently rebuilding and recruiting a few more spots for 8.2. - a few are working on main switches and alts atm, so could work well with you. I’d love to have a chat if you’re interested.

You can check us at:
[H] <Fathom> 5/9M, 2 day: Fri/Sat, LFM ,
Our website at Fathom Gaming,
Or add an officer to BNet for a chat: Toe#1826, Olly#1460, Cutegrampy#1884,
