Unholy/Blood DK or Ret/Prot Pally?

I cant decide which one to relevel and main.

I will be focusing on PvE, specifically Heroic raiding. I wont be doing any PvP at all. I haven’t played a DK since MoP or WoD, and I haven’t touched a Pally since Legion. How are the classes performing at this moment in time? I have never tried Prot spec on a Pally, but I remember feeling unkillable in Blood spec.

I really like both classes, they hold a special place in my heart. My first class was Pally because I normally always play the Paladin type class in games. Then when I unlocked DK, I tried that out, I feel in love with it. Since then, I kind of bounced back between both classes. I like having the option of healing with Pally, even though I dont normally heal in MMOs.

Which class would you recommend and why? Thanks in advance!

I will always and forever be a DK main because I like the theme and I love my Ghoul like nothing else, even if he’s only temporary on Blood.

Guess ya just have to decide which spells and theme you like best. They’re both great classes.

If they don’t change the new tier set bonus for Blood DK, you pretty much will be unkillable in M+.

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Usually the strongest stuff gets nerfed the hardest though, so we’ll see.

Prot and Blood are both pretty fun and you can keep yourself alive very well on both tanks.

Fun is subjective, but if you’re the type to stick to one character a paladin has all sorts of utility a DK can’t come anywhere close to. Castable heals, rez, bubble, and various blessings give it an edge in nearly every scenario.

If you intend to tank very much its also worth noting that blood is apparently a very difficult spec to balance. It has bounced between too strong and too weak repeatedly since it became playable. Prot pally has never not been atleast decent since TBC.

Been playing an Unholy DK since Wrath. Haven’t mained him since Cata, but I always come back and make sure he’s at least max level. It’s always a good time. I had more fun in Legion, when our ghouls were abominations with their own death grip, but it’s still a good time. The amount of burst is insane and Army of the Dead is the bee’s knees.

That being said, Prot Pallies are in a really good place. They’re monsters at tanking and they do a ton of DPS too. As said above, they have a lot of utility as well. It’s a really tough decision to make. Unholy is more fun than Ret and Prot is more fun than Blood though, so Unholy if you wanna DPS and Prot if you wanna tank.

I would honestly just play both, but I’m an altoholic. :grin:

I would say DK just because I think ret is boring

Also I hope you enjoy Night Fae DK it’s going to be nuts in pve

If you want to be competitive with the minimum effort, Unholy/Blood with Necrolord will be very efficient. Rolling pally, you would probably want to get both Venthyr and Kyrian up.

DK is the way. Blood if you never want to die and UH if you feel lazy and want everything else to die.