Unholy Talent - Playstyle without Ghoul

I’d like to see an option for Unholy DKs to go without their Ghoul.

I really love the plague bringer, shadow-magic using nature of Unholy, but have always disliked how most of UH’s power is tied to the Ghoul. The whole play-style is based around buffing your Ghoul. Without your Ghoul, you’re basically nothing.

For these “new” (not so new anymore) talent trees to really offer variety and choice, there should actually be a different playstyle that can be selected - in this case, UH that does not rely on a permanent minion.


Isn’t that kind of like asking for a Petless Demo or a Petless BM?


I would say yes, but Blizzard doesn’t want to do anything to help out with 2h frost. Unholy was always more about disease up until legion when they went bananas with pets on the artifact. Most people think 2h when they think of a DK. DW for frost was a cave in decision and took away the only petless 2h dps option we had.

Was great to get it back sure, but the tree itself is flawed and skewed in too many areas towards DW to make it viable.


No. Those specs are built with the express purpose of using a pet with rotational abilities tied into using them and they gain access to exclusive pets that only their spec can use.

Literally none of that applies to Unholy.

Take away the ghoul and the only thing that changes is you lose some passive damage and a fire and forget CD.


Just add an alternative to raise dead that makes you grow an “abomination limb” that serves the same function of an auto attack that gets beefed by dark transformation / infected claws. Requires no gameplay modification, is slightly less functional for the added convenience of less micro.

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Doesn’t Infected Claw apply WUUNDS to your target and around your target when Timmy is empowered?
Doesn’t Unholy have permanent Ghoul that neither Blood and Frost can have?

Because there are a lot of eerie similarities between the usage of Ghoul and the Felguard. It’s not BM Level of rotational abilities but I can firmly believe that Ghoul for Unholy is just as important as Felguard for Demonology.

Which is why I am a bit perplexed about the post.


It has a whopping 30% chance to apply a single. Doesn’t change the rotation at all except for you might use one less Festering Strike since Festering Strike has a variance on how many wounds it applies.

Its the same exact ghoul for all 3 specs and for all 3 specs, it does 1 thing. It melees an enemy target.

Hard disagree. Felguard isnt accessible by Destro or Afflic. Its only for Demo. The Felguard also has a Whirlwind ability. It adjusts your rotation. It adds an ability you’re keeping track of. It changes your gameplay.

Literally none of that applies to Unholy’s ghoul. It melees a target. Thats all the ghoul does. Roll its melee damage into the DK’s diseases and then roll the damage increase from DT into Apoc. Boom. Now you achieve literally the same exact damage output while changing literally nothing about the gameplay except removing 1 CD thats nothing but bloat in the first place.

Also, the perma ghoul goes against the class fantasy of DK in general. We shouldn’t have one permanently at all. The ghoul is supposed to be a random corpse we raised on the battlefield. Its not a special pet we went and tamed and befriended like a Hunter or a more powerful demon that we had to further our knowledge on how to summon. Its just…Fred or Timmy or Billy or Sarah or whoever. The same person that got raised by a Frost or a Blood DK. Except for some reason because we use Shadow magic instead, he won’t just. Go. Away. He thinks hes our buddy now. Hes not. Hes a nuisance. He was a random corpse we used like a tool.


Yes, 30% chance to apply a wound. 1 in 3 attacks in Claw to apply a Wound to your target. 1 in 3 attacks in Empowered Claw to apply a Wound to your target on top of enemies around it during DT.

If anything, it can save you a global from applying it than popping it. Since it takes two globals to do anything with them.

It’s like Soul Strike for Unholy. A strike Felguard does it every 10 seconds that grants a Soul Shard. If anything saves me a global from applying wounds, it’s worth it since Globals are so precious for any class.

Yes, the Ghoul melees. It is the same as others.

… It’s still important for Unholy though. It leaps, just like regular. It melees, just like regular.

I don’t remember if the temporary ghoul stuns so correct me if I am wrong on this one.

Yes, Felstorm is powerful enough to be exclusive to the Felguard. The Felguard is exclusive to Demonology. If you are saying that the Ghoul doesn’t do enough compared to the Felguard, well… I agree.

Maybe I am overestimating Infected Claws a bit but it’s mainly because I value every global I spend. Anything that saves me such is an asset to me. If the Ghoul does it so, better than weaving Soul Strikes due to how frequent 30% application is sometimes, that’s enough from me.

And I get that you don’t like Dark Transformation or having a Perma-Ghoul in general. This is a problem I have with this game in a grand scheme of things sometimes:

  • You shouldn’t have to run a Ghoul if you don’t want to.
  • You shouldn’t have to interact with Festering Wounds if you don’t want to.
  • You shouldn’t have to use a bloody Felguard if you are Demonology and rather use a Doomguard.
  • Remember they added Minion Damage into Unholy Mastery? I was inherently against this and the Shadow Damage got short end of the stick due to how overtuned it was shortly afterwards.
  • You shouldn’t wait for a developer to adjust the duration of an ability. Remember that Unleashed Frenzy lasted for 6 bloody seconds.
  • Still no Necrotic Plague! :angry: :rage: :skull:

Nothing about this game give any of these agencies so the question I originally ask is just how feasible the question is: Removing the Pet from Unholy is like asking for removing the Pet from BM or removing the Pet from Demonology.

Any of these questions, I seriously doubt Blizzard’s competence in achieving to please the mass of requesting something not quite feasible at this point.


No it wasnt. Blizzard always wanted DK to DW and it was Frost. It was designed that way. Even prior to 3.2

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A single wound. Yep. Such a big deal. Festering Strike can cover that already. Its worthless. The ghoul adding one maybe every few seconds will at best, remove 1 GCD before you pop Apocalypse. So it might remove 1 GCD every 45 seconds. I would be surprised if that was even a .01% dps increase.

How is that important? :joy: Because it jumps?? Really setting a low bar here.

The permanent one doesnt stun either. It has a 1 second “stun” on a 2 minute cooldown. Worthless for more than an interrupt in pvp.

As for the rest, theres a lot wrong with Unholy. For example, you know how Scourge Strike’s damage is split into physical damage and Shadow damage??? That was a PVP change back in WRATH. That was back before they had different modifiers for abilities for pvp vs pve so that was their solution so that Scourge Strike wouldnt lose pve damage. They literally never fixed it. Its STILL like that 16 years later.

I wish I was joking.


Again, I do agree that the Ghoul should just do more than just melee and occasionally apply wounds.

As for petless unholy archetype, I just don’t see it happening.

If Scourge Strike faces the same issue from a change from Wrath, that kind of further proves the point: I just don’t think they’re competent enough to make a Petless Unholy.

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Personally, I just hate the perma ghoul. Apocalypse and Abom are fine because they’re cooldowns. They hang around for a few seconds and then they’re gone. At the end of the day, a Death Knight of any spec is still someone wielding extremely powerful magic, heavy plate armor and a large melee weapon. Blizzard seems to have forgot that when it comes to Unholy and instead treat it as a Diet Necromancer which kind of ruins the class fantasy.

I also agree that the current devs simply aren’t competent enough to make a petless Unholy, (hell they’re not competent enough to rework our class either but it still needs to happen at some point) but that has no bearing on me sharing my opinion. I stand by everything I’ve said.

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You’re not supposed to care about the ghoul. That’s why its name is random every time you summon one and you can’t rename it.

I already made that point but thank you.

When you say things like “he thinks our buddy now” as if to insinuate that he’s a “real” pet, it does not read that way.

Look, if theres any issues understanding this crystal clear quote, then thats on you man.

I’d argue not, because demo and BM fantasy is only summoning demons and commanding animals, while UH DK fantasy is spreading pestilence and shadow magic AND raising minions - but it’s not only about raising minions.

There’s more to the UH fantasy.

Regardless, I like summoning minions, temporary minions, it’s only the fact that I have to buff my permanent Ghoul to have any sort of power.

Some UH playstyle variety would be nice.


there was a thread like this and someone came up with a neat name for the talent that lets you forgo without Timmy

i cant fin it ATM

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Comparing Raise Dead to Felguard is INSANE. I wish DK had a Felgaurd. Like your arguement in null and void after saying this


Axe toss - 4 sec stun and interrupt on 30sec cd
Felstorm - aoe attack 30sec cd
Legion strike - MS
pursuit - charge on 15 sec cd

like be for real lmao