Unholy: Spec Identity issues and possible solutions (Long)

Amatox wishes Buttons to be baseline.

I’m not sure if Buttons would be able to compete against 8 ghouls and a mage in PvE Damage Dealing Department.

I was speaking hypothetically if Abom did not replace Army.

i kinda agree its time. i would go one further and make a PVE version of reanimation. the gameplay is too fun. at one point i would have argued against removing army, but having played with abomb since it came out and playing with reanimation for continuous purple lightning pet summoning, i think that combo is far better playstyle and a more iconic look for unholy than popping army once a fight.

if we moved army to say a talent, perhaps by also moving gargoyle back to baseline and putting it there, or merging it with Army of the Damned we could keep army around for people that still want it.

making abomb baseline also frees up a pvp talent. of which we have too many mandatory ones and are often forced to pick between the best 3 of 5 talents while completely unable to take the really fun talents like dark simulacrum.

necrotic strike doesn’t need to be baseline, but we need a baseline mortal strike effect IMO. taking necrotic strike could replace that spell. i’ve posted this before but plague strike making a comeback to apply both a MS effect and desecration would be very welcome by pvpers. NS could then stay as is and you take it to replace plague strike to play with heal absorbs instead of MS.

i would have it replace army, but the thing to remember is that abomb is only a 2m CD. you get more abombs per boss, and you can use it more often such as hard trash.

Watch them replace one of the talent slot instead of making Buttons baseline. xD

But yea, I guess in all seriousness. Buttons really need to be baseline. The fact that you need him for a PvP talent just flat out sucks. Replacing Army of the Damned with Army of the Dead itself is not a bad suggestion either but the next question is how does the cooldown reduction of your minions going to work?

I prefer getting Gary baseline and replace his talent with Necrotic Plague but that also means both Gary and Buttons would be baseline. That sounds… too good.

I bet Plague Strike is going to have a cooldown if it comes with MS and have Necrotic Strike replace it. But that’s just a story for another time.

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Unholy’s identity has shifted too far away from diseases, over to pets. However, I don’t think they need to nerf pets as much as you’re suggesting. We just need a rot focused playstyle that is not bursty to the same degree, but does good consistent damage with proper play. There are enough dead talents in our tree to accommodate the return of necrotic plague for that purpose, which is a talent/playstyle that’s still popular among DKs.

This would essentially kill the pet build. That stacking debuff is huge for pet damage.

We do need less CDs though. A lot of the talents that add CDs could be combined with DT/Apoc. They should combine the UB debuff with DT to save us a GCD and allow the talent to scale with DT’s CDR. Similarly, talenting into gargoyle or UA should add their effect to Apoc, in order to reduce GCDs and make those talents more appealing with Apoc’s CDR.

The loss of 5% strength buff would be pretty noticeable. We’d need some sizable buffs to compensate for this.

There are already situations when we don’t use Apoc and DT together, but I don’t see the point of actively trying to separate them. Most specs try to combine CDs to increase their potency.

It’d be preferable if they buffed/redesigned the other talents on that row.

I think AWS is fine. It may sim for more but the utility of the other 2 talents allow them to compete in appropriate situations. Only change that is needed is an improvement to the pet AI.

This isn’t necessary. We don’t need to nerf the pet playstyle just have a viable alternative that is not centered around buffing them as much, which will naturally redistribute the damage.

These would be good to have.


i would just put a line of “Abomination is replaced by Army of the Dead” attached to the current Army of the Damned talent. this would be ideal because Army of the Damned’s cooldown reduction would still work with army of the dead.

gargoyle could then be boosted in damage to make it valid as a talent choice. and i do have both in pvp, and its hella cool, esp if you take the valk. you can get your apoc ghouls, your pet, your abomb, and your valk all going on someone then just stand off to the side and eat some popcorn. damage would probably need to be balanced, but thematically the play is on point.

Ur over complicating what I’m saying. Army goes away. Our individual abilities get buffed to redistribute power. That solves the issue of unholy being great in pve terrible in pvp.

i would keep it around some way as a talent option. that way you have a choice between abomb and army. abomb would be good for sustained dps because of the shorter CD, however army would be better for M+ or short duration fights where your goal is to get your burst peak as high as possible, and aren’t careing about what you need to do 1 or 2m later.

No. And I don’t understand what is so hard to understand about this.

Army is so strong that you have to be tuned down because you’d be too strong if unholy did good damage without army

VP is weak because of army
Scourge strike is weak because of army
Dt is weak because of army
Death coil is weak because of army.

Delete army buff the spec

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if army was moved into a talent, that tuning could be built into that talent. taking army could drop the damage of X, Y, and Z spells, or overall damage by N%

basically army the big guns, and we need to be able to have a medium gun as our main playstyle while maintaining the option to go get the big guns.

im not suggesting that army is our max damage, DPS and damage output over 5m could be tuned to be teh same with or without army, but you would want to have army so you have an option to blow all your damage at once, or have sustained higher dps.

I don’t think that is entirely the case, but rather they just wanted to shift the majority of our damage into all of our minions damage overall.

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I should elaborate on what I mean by this, as I think we are at a misunderstanding. I think unholy blight should have the cooldown removed, but the rune cost remains. So the gameplay becomes trying to keep up unholy blight (and it’s damage buff) up the entire duration of the boss fight. Essentially this is a buff to unholy blight, and would also be a buff to the pet build.

I suggest removing virulent plague from unholy blight as otherwise there is no real point in having them as separate debuffs. I think the unholy play style could use a few more debuffs to track instead of cooldowns.

My reasoning behind allowing for more desync between Apoc and DT is to uncap the cooldown reduction benefits of the two abilities. Right now I find myself waiting on cooldowns so my other cooldowns can finish, which renders any cooldown reduction effects on the already “ready” cooldown as useless, thus reducing the effect our rotation has upon our damage.

Increasing the single target potency of the other talents in the row so they compete would also have the desired effect. :slight_smile:

Relative to PvP, if my theory crafting is accurate(generally is).

Night Fae UHDK is going to overperform towards the later half of 9.1.

No. It will not be

Well it’ll certainly be our strongest option at the very least lol.

Nope. Still not and I have no idea why you think potentially sometimes being able to cleave necrotic strike would be better than abomb limb. You know, the button that allows us to kill people.

Currently, Necrotic Strike does not apply Death’s Due.

Fae still has potential in PvP, they just need to fix the damned interactions.

It doesn’t even matter.
Running Dream Weaver with Phearomones, with a Haste=Vers setup, UH would have ALOT of 80% haste peaks.
Nothing frost or blood do can compete with 6% max health absorb spam on a borderline nonexistent GCD, on 9.1 health pools.

Actually 10% if you’re using Bursting Sores like you should.

Trust me, if Necrotic Strike applies Death’s Due, it’d go a very LONG way.

That’s my build actually. xD I have way too much Mastery however but that’s not a bad thing because your Minions and Defile provide just as much pressure.

You’ll have Mastery and Haste multiply off of each other along with Vers.

If they hotfix deaths due(which they should) that build will definitely be strong as heck.

Its gonna be strong in 9.1 even if they don’t hotfix it lol. But again, they should.

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Like I do not know what any of the soulbinds Necrolords have to compete against Dreamweaver. He’s about to get even stronger.

  • Dreamweaver has podtender, the most toxic thing in PvP environment. Not only that, if you die while your minions and defile are still out there, they still do 100% of the damage. Nobody really expects this.
  • You’re able to slow druids even if they shapeshift out of your Chains of Ice. I’m not kidding.
  • 12% haste for 2.5 seconds doesn’t seem much but when you set things up, it’s actually a big deal.
  • In 9.1, Dreamweaver has a passive that grants a player an absorb shield 30% of the damage taken for 3 seconds when you’re under 80% health.
  • In 9.1, you also get a measly 3% damage and healing increase which is not gamebreaking at all. Like 5% strength from Unholy Pact, this could make or break things.

No way on earth the italicized comment would go live at that rate. What soulbinds do the Necrolords have that’s absolutely equally bonkers compared to Dreamweaver?

Necrolords have slappy hands. That’s good. But I’m pretty sure i’m missing something beyond it.

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