Unholy PvPers rejoice

yippie :smiley:


The raise dead note is a weird way to say they buffed the ghouls damageā€¦


See this is what Iā€™m not used to with old blizzard, they would not be doing this many tunings and balance attempts.

As long as they keep trying to change stuff and listening to the people that know the classes inside and out and have evidence to back up claims (gargoyle losing casts) getting adjusted either way isnā€™t bad at all.

I feel like they used to do one sweeping change and then your class was screwed for everā€¦.keep doing stuff like this Bliz ty

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Yes. And then you proceed to increase Army damageā€¦ :man_facepalming:t2:

You should have reduced Army and Garg damage by 20% at least and buff our abilities by that margin.


Theyre literally reviewing data and pushing out updates every week. They added 10% to AOTD yet buffed our SS by 20%, fixed garg and youre still whining. Jfc


All fine and dandy, but at the end it aggravates one of Unholyā€™s main problem.

The overall damage distribution is way too loaded on the cooldown side. Aside of that Scourge Strike is a quite soft hitting ability. 20% of little is very unimpactful.

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I for one am happy that Blizz is continuing to assess data, then implementing changes in an effort to improve the spec. This is far better then what has happened in the past regarding tuning.

It aggrivates nothing. 20% to SS is a great start, when on PTR this past week they also elongated the dot ramp damage SS causes by like 100%, these are both overall static damage increases outside burst window.

Lets not forget SS does multiple things and isnt just static damage, and is also one of our heaviest used abilities. Unfortunately we are a combination of dot/pet class and our damage is spread across multiple sources. If you want massive hits, warrior and Pally do those. Were almost as rot as afflic lock, but with significant pet damage.

Most importantly theyre making active changes each week and have addressed direct issues the community has, unlike the past where by the time they announced the next patch you knew your class was screwed.


It looks like they just fixed the tooltip for Plaguebringer, not buffed it. It was changed to 10 seconds a while ago but the tooltip wasnā€™t.

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You may have forgotten, but we summon Army of the Dead ghouls with a funny button every 45 seconds called ā€œApocalypseā€. This is a buff to our small window damage.

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All I want is 14 sec VP again. Screw this wasting a rune/global every 6 seconds, it feels bad to play on a class that already needs 10 globals to get its damage off.

Also please make abom a choice node with army.


Regarding Abom they also could just make it automatically replace Army inside instanced PvP.
Not that it would make much of a difference.

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Admit I didnā€™t think about it in that moment. Still doesnā€™t change my attitude that our core skills are brazenly undertuned.

Here. This something what our tree could look like.

h ttps://imgur.com/a/mY6wSNc