Unholy PvP Nerfs

What is Unholy getting to make up for these nerfs?

What does the rider of the apoc one even mean? 50% less damage? or what?

Riders sometimes cast an AMS on you. The absorb value of thi one is reduced by 50%.


we actually got buffed going into this patch due to a bug fix with nazgrim strength scaling resulting in about 4% overal dmg for rider specs.

the FF nerf is like super pad dmg and its like a 2% nerf to our single target

that ams talent was super niche and was bad in damp anyways. the wall one is way better

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Riders will still be the go to for UH pvp correct?

No, Riders of the Apocalypse reduces damage taken by 5% per every horseman up to 20%.

Imagine thinking these nerfs mean much and demanding recompanse.


Look again. The Blue post talks about Horsemen’s Aid.

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Shut up nerd


Yeah it only really affects the auto proc AMS , the other option’s still solid.

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Are you for real? Frost fever somwtimes is just the strongest damage spell and its like a passive and like infinite ams? Its ok man unholy needed it now its time for fury in pbp and that frost mages

What do you mean lol. Unholy and Fury are the 2 most represented specs in PvP because they are the strongest. Nothing but nerfs are needed. OP specs get nerfs weak specs get buffs. That’s how balancing works.


Yes, I agree, Frost does need more nerfs.

The frost fever nerf was for unholy. I assume it affecting the already low performing Frost DK was yet another oversight by the Devs. Hopefully FDK gets some PvP love soon.

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Best they can do is turn your minute goes to 45s and ensure obliterate is the only meaningful damage you deal