I have been playing DK last couple expansions and recently made a hunter, decided to give it a try. I found myself intrigued by the system of being able to farm pet or get rare pets. I couldn’t help but think of being able to do something similar with DK. This could be possible I figure at least 3 ways.
-1 glyph that allows to change skin of ghoul pet.
Or my favorites
-2 allow to tame undead mobs similar to hunter taming process.
-3 allow certain mobs be be killed and resign as pet in replace of the ghoul.
I’m not sure if this had been discussed before but I think this would be somewhat entertaining content for DK class in future.
There is a glyph you can get that gives your summoned minions (apocalypse and army) a random undead skin as well as glyphs for your main minion a different skin. But I do agree that there was a death knight collection of skins for our minions would be cool to have.
Would be cool to have the option to use raise dead on undead npcs in the world to “tame” them, letting us use that model for our pet until the process is repeated on something else.
If they wanted to get fancy they could give them unique abilities like hunter pets.
As awesome as that sounds, I am worried it will end up as another Clefthoof situation. So unless we can customize our “Undead Pet” like Hunters used to be able to with their pets, it might not be the best idea in terms of customization.
There are so many options for alternate summons that would be cool – ghosts, slimes, undead beasts and dragonkin, Nerubians, etc. A glyph here and there would be nice, at least.