Unholy - Having to resummon pet after every flight

Quick update 10 days later: As soon as War Within started this bug was fixed for me.

Every single time I get on my dragonriding (or I guess skyriding now) mount and take to the air, my pet gets dismissed. When I land the pet does not come back and I get an error at the top of the screen that reads “You do not have a pet to summon”
This is beyond irritating and I’m regularly not noticing he’s missing until I’m half way through or finished a fight, typically its when I’m noticing Dark Transformation isn’t doing anything. If I do notice mid-fight I have to waste a GCD to summon him then wait for him to finish the raise animation before he’ll attack anything.

I submitted a bug report, but just wanted to check if anyone else has had this and found a solution. I noticed some old threads with the same bug from 2 years ago when dragonriding was introduced but nobody mentioned a end-user fix.

I’ve been Unholy since WoD and Im considering respeccing to Frost for the first time, I dont need a memory test everywhere I go to be able to use my pet.

Edit: Added the part about the error message.


It’s been going on for many…many years for me, I’d hate to be all blackpilled about it but they’ll probably never fix it.

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That’s depressing to hear. Probably will repsec then because I lack the memory to re-summon my ghoul every single time I fly

Im not sure whats causing this, but it works fine for me. Its after death that I forget to resummon Timmy sometimes. Just flew across the DIs just now and landed and here he comes climbing up out of the ground

I’m noticing its highly inconsistent across Death Knights, other threads suggest people have been suffering this for years, and like yourself others have it working fine. It seems like once you have it you have it for good.
I’m going to try removing my Glyph of the Skeleton and disabling all addons to make sure its the game itself and not one of those.

-Update for anyone looking into this in the future-
Addons are not the issue, but I’ve got a bandaid macro fix.

While addons are not the issue, I am unable to determine if Glyphs are as my Glyph of the Skeleton cannot be removed from Raise Dead and I’m beginning to suspect it may be related. Looking at a thread from 2 years ago multiple DK’s had Glyphs permanently attached to Raise Dead and a GM had to step in to remove it. I’m going to submit a ticket for that now and if it magically fixes the Dismissing on Flight issue I’ll report it as a fix here.
(Update: I submitted a ticket and Blizz told me they’re sorry its not working and to check the forums for further help. They then closed the ticket and told me to open another if I have further issues with Call of Duty. I’m not even sure they read the ticket. 0/10 Customer Service)

In the meantime I’ve got a macro to make this bug mildly less irritating. I named it Dark Transform. and gave it the exact same Icon as Dark Transformation, and the macro is as follows.

/cast [nopet]Raise Dead;Dark Transformation

Put this on your action bar where Dark Transf. normally goes, and when you get to that part of your rotation if your pet is missing it will instead summon them. Once the pet is up the same button casts Dark Transf. as normal.
You will still lose DPS, as the downtime between a fight starting and you getting to DT in your rotation will have no pet doing anything, but its better than going for a while and realizing DT isn’t doing anything every time you press it.


It did seem to get worse after the appearance glyphs became a thing, and it was for some reason further exacerbated with dragonriding. I’ve even had it happen with my Warlock lately.

But I have other DKs that don’t have the bug whatsoever, which is even weirder.

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There’s definitely something different going on. I’ve always had to resummon after zoning in/out, but having to resummon after dismounting is new (to me, at least). Super annoying.


Aside from resummoning, pets are coming back with auto- Gnaw, Huddle and Assist stance.


This doesn’t appear to be the case for me. I think maybe the pet attempting to do some sort of auto-cast is what’s prompting the error message “You do not have a pet to summon”
But what do I know, I’ve never had to pay so much attention to my pet before.

It’s very annoying with all the racing around during the Radiant Echoes event. I was hoping there might be an if/else macro to summon the pet, if the the pet exists cast my opener.

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Just started playing my DK and Ive noticed that whenever I mount and dismount the pet goes away.

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I got this as a macro to either summon the pet, or cast Dark Transformation if he’s already up.
You can switch out Dark Transformation for whatever else spell you want

/cast [nopet]Raise Dead;Dark Transformation

Seems if you use glyph of geist the pet bug seems to go away for me at least

Tried this, didn’t fix it for me. I don’t know when or where this issue came from but it wasn’t always the case.

It seems they’ve done something recently. My DK’s pet now respawns after dismounting, and it’s ready to go almost instantly compared to the old “clawing out of the ground” animation it used to have.


This thing is idiotic.

You dismount to go to mailbox, the pet spawns.
You enter a Dungeon; you have to manually cast.