- Take Abomb talent
- Queue arena
- Dont ever use mount in arena (important)
- As soon as gates open us Death’s Adance (also important)
- Pop abomb as SOON as you can.
- ?
R u ok sweetie?
sounds like you have had real trauma I hope these forum dwellers don’t bully you good luck gamer
- Wraith Walk
- AMS against melee or because you can.
Good call, can’t believe I forgot to list macro ams into your burst as a step
- Profit.
- Ques into DH and loses.
- Lock uses rain of fire.
- Lock pops infernal dark soul after your interrupts are over.
- Lock casts mortal coil on dk.
- Spam chaos bolt since rain of fire on dk pets gives infinite soul shards.
- ?
- Profit!
Now this is 100% true
im mad because im an idiot who s keys out of the gate in stealth bumbling around awkwardly for no reason and get outted by abomb
life is really hard for me!!!
afk in the gate till the abomb walks back at the dk
(abomb is dumb and it shouldn’t be free to throw it at stealth targets but dont walk into it)
You think Druid runs out of the gate in stealth?
Is this secretly a BUFF DK thread??
rain of fire doesnt generate shards baseline lol
cataclysm is better imo
i unironally AMS against DHs and WWs because of Lash and gushing now
DHs had chaos dmg before
v sad noobender if they start fel lancing me for all my HP tho
but particularly lash
whats up bro. you dont like eating the 4 back to back procs of lash for 60k each???
Rain is a cancer that needs to be removed. Was balanced in legion around the fact that you could only get 6 casts for 36% total hp. Now with steroids haste you can get like 20 casts off its disgusting.
Literally noone does that. Your ordering is all wrong.
as a warlock player you should be able to identify that through his drool he meant cataclysm on the apoc/abom pets
if you go into DS with 4 shards, you should get 100% chance at 3 bolts in a row and depending on your haste procs 4 bolts without needing any other generator excluding a conflag for backdraft
Yeh pretty much.