Unguarded Gorm Eggs rare event not working

I did this today (12/1).

I cracked all the eggs, killed the adds, and then ran out of the area until I loaded the “tranquil pool(?)”. After that I ran back and the rare had spawned. I hope that this works for other people.

What’s supposed to happen, here? I clicked all the glittery eggs, most of which spawned big gorm. I killed everything that spawned until there were no more glittery eggs. Then nothing happened. The star is still on the map.

Drop AOE in the eggs. That’s what did it for me. The eggs were already hatched, but I couldn’t see the enemies.

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I did the same, although didn’t go as far merely left the cave and went to 58 32 waited a few seconds then back into the cave and it spawned.

For anyone that doesn’t understand, the idea is to click all the eggs then everyone leave the cave so that it spins it down. When you go back in it runs the script and because there are no eggs the rare spawns instead of not spawning the rare because there are eggs.

My guess would be the script on the eggs/rare is not properly triggering the next event when the last egg is clicked.

AOE after I cleared the eggs worked for me.

For me, nothing worked until I went around and killed the tiny recluse spiders in the cave. There were three. I had already tried AOE, egg clicking, killing the regular spawns, leaving and coming back, and reloading. Several times. As soon as I killed the last spider, the rare spawned immediately.

still bugged as of early December 2020


the “lonely recluse”? i tried this and got no results.

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The item “unguarded gorm egg” isnt even listed on wowhead…maybe it was removed

Yes, lonely recluse. Once I killed them it spawned. It could have been a coincidence, but nothing else was happening at the moment.

Still bugged having same issue

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Still Bugged. 12/7/20

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Playing on Doomhammer. Still bugged a/o 12/07/20. Clicked on all the eggs, killed all the normal spawns, no rare spawns.

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I just did the event. When I got there no rare was present and I couldn’t interact with any of the eggs either. So, I just waited for a few minutes and the rare spawned.

Still bugged. Clicked all the eggs and only normal mobs spawned.

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Still broken. Nothing works. Fix your game.

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Just about 30 minutes after killing all the eggs, the rare spawned.

I have seen the star on my map as well, went to the location, nothing clickable, no rare. Please fix blizz.

Can confirm as of 1/3/21 this still isn’t working. I can see the star on the map, went to it, nothing there. Logged out and back in, still nothing.