Undulating Sporecloak Proc Bugged

The Undulating Sporecloak Proc Bugged. When you drop below 30% hp nothing happens for like 4 seconds and then it randomly procs. Why is there such a huge delay. I figured this out testing it on a tank target dummy. Anyone else have this problem?


does anyone know why this is?

The cloak is currently procing on a ‘tick based timer’ presumably at the same time as the 5 second heal. This is a huge bug and makes the cloak just an awful item. Really wish this was being talked about more because I already crafted the cloak before I learned that this was how it “worked”.

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I’ve noticed this too, and I’m really hoping it’s addressed. Here’s a log which displays four instances of the cloak not procing despite dropping below 30%. Last instance of the cloak procing is ~8:40. Never to be seen again despite sharks manhandling me.


I have seen instances where it procs quickly (<.5s), but most of the time it’s 2-3s, and doesn’t seem to be synced with the >70% hp5.

I feel like noone cares about this item for some reason…

It’s probably because it’s week one and very few are crafting a cloak with their first spark. Most go for weapons. The issue is also quite subtle and not particularly easy to track without logs. I do think the cloak will be more popular as a second or third craft, which will hopefully bring enough attention to it for the poor design to be addressed.

Just posting here to signal boost. Cloak only procs the shield if one of the 5sec heal ticks happens when you are sub 30%, super lame for something we crafted for consistent survivability.

Yep still broken. Definitely needs a fix asap since a 2 week spark was used on it.

Yep still not working as intended, Blizz needs to fix it ASAP as it’s suppose to be a BIS item for certains specs/classes. They need to hotfix it immediately.

Unless this is meant to be a trash tier item this needs to get fixed asap.

I’d love to either get some clarification on if this is bugged or intended, because the difference between an instant proc and a delayed 5 second absorb at 30% hp is massive.

This might be fixed. I did a couple m+ tonight and noticed it procing very quickly/instantly upon dipping below 30%. Looking at the logs, it’s definitely working differently from the way it was, but it’s less clear exactly how it’s working.

Edit: Yep, it’s fixed. Numerous examples of it procing instantly here:


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Wanted to try it myself after seeing that it may have been fixed, tried taking fall damage 3 times to 30% and it proc’d instantly each time, I think it’s working correctly now.