Undo the Hunter Utility Spell Changes

These are just fun utility spells, why would you force me to swap specs to be able to utilize them. It makes zero sense to make this change.


I really hope that I’m misreading the patch notes, since it kind of sounds like Marksmanship will no longer be capable of summoning pets. I guess that they’re removing Eagle Eye from the other specializations to try to balance out Marksmanship losing their pet.
Even if pets aren’t optimal for Marksmanship, it’s nice to have the option of using them. I use the spec for open-world content and would be devastated to lose my pet.


What if, instead of some random eagle suddenly replacing my beloved pet. Let our dear old pet fill that role instead? It’s a compromise but it takes the sting out of it a bit, for me anyway. Some of us put a fair bit of effort into getting a whole aesthetic going and my goblin engineer is sure going to miss his robot dog.

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