Nobody asked for this. Priest and disc was perfectly fine as is.
When a single healer represents the vast majority of players at the top end, it’s unrealistic to not expect changes (i.e., nerfs) in the subsequent season. Disc had a great m+ season in S1 but it wasn’t going to last.
The spec is a complete mess. Bring POM, and Mindgames back, and give a stun. Leave Rapture and revert to the Legion version. Delete Dome if possible.
Fire current priest dev team.
Voidweaver is the entire reason for that over-representation. They barely touch VW, a slight numbers tuning, but took a hatchet to the spec tree where it wasn’t needed.
The spec is far from being fine imo. It being meta doesnt mean at all that there arent tons of improvments to be made.
- Any setup without mindbender is very underwhelming
- Lots of dead nodes/2 point nodes in both trees
- Pvp is very strong as well but uses very different setup/hero class
- Class tree is a huge mess still, after over 2 years.
- No interrupt
- No stops
- No relevant group utility that people are looking for outside of PI (which is just damage, and not ‘group utility’ per say…)
- Lamest friendly dispel with disease only
- Movement is still very meh
The new changes look interresting but they look like they need a lot more iterations to really fix the ‘issues’ they should be fixing.
Removal of rapture might be a good idea to fix the ‘problem’ in m+. But I dont feel we’re compensating properly for its removal (even more so in pvp)
Putting uppies as a central piece is weird as well, we’re suposedly removing cds but placing uppies there + enforcing the use of evang is in fact adding a cd in m+ where neither of those were used.
There are a few things that I feel should be touched:
- TE doesnt interract well with shadow covenant. Maybe these 2 should be put together as a choice node and balanced together!
- Bring holy and shadow utility into the class tree, if they’re not balanceable for the whole class just make the node change for each spec and add some toys to disc that are balanced for disc…
- Give us burst movement and remove one of the 2 movements boosts…
- Can we have less than 2 mandatory nodes in pvp? Bring some of those in the spec/class tree…
- Lots of 2 point nodes that should be reduced to one! (Class and spec trees)
- Again, we’re trying to remove the number of cd we rely on but we buff pw:life to add it back into our valid choices for when it’s not used.
- Most spells in the class tree dont interract with the specs toolkit. They removed mindgames from pve for this reason. Stuff like DS or halo dont do much these days… Our class tree needs a lot of love!!!
I kinda miss when the first heal of ProM was super beefy, made for a nice follow up after a flash heal. I wish it at least applied atonement to the primary target too tbh.
It’s only because they compliment prot paladins so much. If prot wasn’t doing 3 times the dps of any other tank, we’d still be looking at prot warrior/resto shaman as the meta.
We have fear! >.>
When we’re more or less being shoehorned into one specific build for most content, regardless of hero talents, it’s not a sign that the spec is in a healthy position
I tried this and new holy on PTR in floodgate +12s. Lack of rapture sucks. Overall didn’t feel so bad though.