Was there any mention of—or reference to—the Tinker’s Union in the Undermine(d) patch?
Lore-wise, don’t they have a HQ in Undermine? I would expect a mention at least, and a building functioning as their HQ at best.
Haven’t seen anything, so far. Have I missed something?
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Had to google them to find out what that was. Seems like an organization vaguely referenced in a few low-level quests, plus the RPG books. Most likely they’ve been forgotten. The cartels are the driving organizations here, there’s no incentive to pull attention away from them and towards something else.
I think referencing the organisation at the very least would have been good. A simple nod or two somewhere would have been nice; especially considering the organisation’s connection to several major lore figures. I’d submit that a nod via a building or an NPC mention wouldn’t detract from the main focus, in any substantial way. A missed opportunity, IMO. Always seemed like a cool faction.
Regardless, they really delivered with Undermine. I LOVE the zone. Just a nitpick.
Think bilgewater cartel is kinda the canon version of a tinkers union. Bilgewater is the engineering cartel it seems.
I mean we havent seen all of Undermine. If we ever do Undermine electric bungaloo 2.0 said guild could work as a rep faction someday.
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Tinkers Union and Sappers Union are both MIA this patch. Might have to wait for the next Undermine Zone content patch.
I think the only universe in which a Tinker’s Guild shows up is one where the Tinker class is implemented. Aside from that it’s unlikely to happen.
And, unfortunately, I think “next Undermine Zone content patch” is a fantasy. This is it. We’re on to Ethereals next.
Do yourself a favor and talk to the rocket drill operators
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The next Undermine Zone will be in the Kezan or South Seas Expansion!
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Next patch is returning to Hallowfall and Azj-Kajet. This patch has us revisiting Zul’dazar. We may have officially turned the corner into old zones/content not being abandoned.
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Sometimes I wish warcraft was more like warhammer, where they’ll bring back 30 year old concepts where they’re relevant just for consistency’s sake.
You’d think this would be easier for a much younger franchise by comparison with far, FAR less material to keep track of.
Why are our standards so low for Blizzard? Have we all been brainwashed?
I’m visiting family and away from my pc. Can you elaborate on this? Thanks!
The Drill Operator basically already confirmed theres a whole nother section of Undermine that the rocket leads to. Straight up future content.
Yeah, they say it several times. You think downtown is popping, just wait till you see uptown. Right now we’re on the downtown area.
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I bet uptown will feature the sappers union as well as a player housing hub.
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I hope we will see the uptown too.