Undermine Actually Makes Me Feel Scuzzy

And I only really realized it when I finally went back to Dorn and noticed my anxiety drop because I wasn’t surrounded by trash and filth. If that was what you were going for, A++ job.


Clean your room.


I too feel like an outdated connection interface.


Funny I’m the exact opposite. Dorn and the other clean woodlands zones just feel shallow and fake. Undermine is one of the first content zone where I’m actually interested in the environment. Pray to god they double down on this type of map design.


I haven’t made it there yet, mount having trouble climbing the mountains of negativity.



Yea but


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I experienced a similar feeling when I found the golf-course in Undermine. The empty, rolling green hills just instantly relaxed me. It reminded me of the Tauren starting zone, which remains my favorite of all zones.

And that is a zone where a fast car makes more sense. I would love to cruise around there just revisiting.

I’d recommend sticking to the roads, avoid using D.R.I.V.E, and perhaps getting the gnome toy (no cooldown) because of the smaller buildings. :memo::robot:

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Ok, suburbanite.

Pepperidge Farm remembers this reference.

/moo :cow:


The trash is personally not for me. Does it fit the goblin theme? Yes, absolutely. Do I like goblins? Nope, for that reason. Not every patch is for everybody.


Same…If Undermine had a smell it would be feet.

a goblin slum with questionable plumbing? that’s not feet you smell

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I did not expect it to be so…family friendly? But the orphanage and the slime kids are so heartwarming.

ACK!!! :flushed: :flushed: :flushed: :face_vomiting:

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Better than druid or nature-themed zone No. 2789 we’ll probably get getting next, for like… the world tree and Harronir. I’m all for a new race as I do like their design, but if it’s just druid stuff AGAIN for the actual zone… :yawning_face:

Though it being underground will at least be something I suppose.

I think the current new zone is great; love the industrialization. Though I’ll admit… they do need to work on the trash problem.


Another toy I don’t have. Ty…now I must go get it. lol

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I entered the thread thinking that I would make a similar joke and get nothing but crickets.

It feels strangely good to see that I was not the only one thinking it.