Underlight Corrupted Behemoth can't swim

A fish mount that can fly but not swim?


It’s one of those sky fishes they have these days.


Yeah, would be nice to have another mount that can do all 3 speed increases, but save your tenders if you already have the Wonderous Wavewhisker. I guess they want to keep the prestige for those who got the collect 500 mounts achievement or who got the shop mount but this would have been a nice alternative to those.

It also makes no sound when you summon it. Cheap.


Someone probably had to meet a deadline and forgot to select the ‘aquatic’ button. Who knows with them. Missed opportunity.

I’d much rather them fix the ‘Stay of Execution’ scenario for Dracthyr so we can complete BFA. The bug report has been up for over a year with no response from Blizzard, and that’s a whole class that cant complete the story arc in retail WOW. haha.


I was just about to make a post complaining about the swim speed :rofl:

It’s dumb that the goldfish can fly and swim fast but the deep sea fish can’t.
I’d happily give up the flying for the swimming speed. There’s so few cool fast swimmers.

Really, I think they should have kept the otter being the only that can do all three…
That was all of the appeal it had.
Would rather have a spectral dragon or something rad for 500 mounts


I bought it specifically to replace the Wonderous Wavewhisker, because I don’t like it and the old god fish is awesome, it is ridiculous this mount can’t swim, a deep sea fish that can’t swim WTH


I love how we have mounts that can fly, mounts that can swim, but no mount that can seamlessly do both.

Also, we’ve got non-mount water raft options, those are my favorite because I can fish on them- can’t fish while mounted nor underwater.

I think the Wondrous Wavewhisker does this.

Does it? TIL

I think that’s the only mount in the game that behaves like that. Maybe one of those Zereth Mortis jellyfish too, but I’d have to collect it first.

It’s a bit more complicated now because dragonriding is a part of the mix, as of TWW anyway, and several mounts are being excluded from that, I think the sky fishes are a part of that list.

Pretty sure. I’ll have to check when I’m logged in again. I think it was a six month sub mount though, so not sure if it’s still obtainable.

:person_shrugging: Yeah that strikes me as rather odd to be honest …

It looks kind of like a void & fel infused space-fish :thinking:

“Yes the word ‘underlight’ isn’t for the deep seas — but deep space! … Its energies protect the rider from the perils of space, allowing them to both survive and breathe with ease in the darkest & coldest reaches of the great dark beyond, along with the furthest reaches of the nether and occasionally to that truly horrifying place … ‘Goldshire’ they call it, yes this magnificient being can traverse many places beyond mortal comprehension - Though it doesn’t seem particularly fond of water, due to a prank with some elemental lords.”

Sounds like a Cessna 150 to me. Unless you equip it with pontoons.

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Wondrous Wavewhisker, Otterwordly Otter and the two Aurelids can do this.

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Pretty sure there’s others like this, like that goldfish mount that was a in-game shop mount


I learn something new every single day.

/moo :cow:

The ZM jellies also have the swim speed iirc, as does the Otherworldly Ottuk.

Any Cessna can swim once.

The Underlight Corrupted Behemoth also will not be able to skyride in TWW, just in case that’s important to you before you spend the tenders.

I can’t find the Wondrous Wavewhisker (goldfish) mount on the can vs. cannot lists from Wowhead for TWW - I’m guessing it also will not be able to skyride as a fish.

The Wondrous Wavewhisker does. They share the same rig and someone posted the model animations for dynamic flying.