Underlight Angler for my Hunter

I did the achievement and such on my mage, but now I main a hunter, and I’m wondering how this all works with Warbands? Can I just go fish the little pearl to start the quest straight away, or do I have to max my Legion fishing first? Do I need to redo the achievement?

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I also have it on my Mage, never want to do it again. However I wish its buffs applied across to all my other warband but it doesn’t.

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UPDATE: So, I was fishing Black Barracuda pools for the lures to redo the achievement, and got the pearl!

I completed the scenario, got the pole, and now there’s a new issue. The interface for applying AP is broken and shows nothing, and to my understanding, half the traits don’t work properly at the moment.

I was able to find a script to apply AP to open nodes however, which is as follows:

/run for i,powerid in pairs(C_ArtifactUI.GetPowers()) do C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(powerid) end

Hopefully this gets fixed in the future!

That’s intended. Artifacts are drained of all power and no longer have their abilities or traits anymore. There is no more Artifact Power, no power trees, nothing. That even includes the Angler.

We may see something if they do indeed to a Legion Remix, but as of right now things are working as intended.

This is incorrect. The Underlight Angler was still working properly after the other artifact weapons were disabled, and its abilities still continue to work apart from the interface bug.

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I’m pretty sure I didn’t hold my fishing rod up to Sageras’ sword when we were de-powering it. I think the other NPC artifact holders there might have noticed that.

“Dude… a fishing pole?”

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