Update, and in case anyone is getting your Underlight Angler nowadays, I wanted to give you some helpful tips. Given that I first did all this stuff 3+ years ago, I had forgotten some important details.
Underlight Angler = UA
*** All of the words which follow this sentence will be pretty useful if you are trying to do the UA now, but a complete waste of your time otherwise…
There are 18 special fishes you have to catch over 6 locations.
Wowhead has a great guide for the Underlight Angler, which you should read and fully understand before starting.
You can (and should) start this process at Legion fishing 1/100, because you will easily gain the 99 skill points (especially if you count that, any additional catches of the same special fish you can throw back for +5 Legion fishing) So, you only need 1 of each of the 18 special fishes, and I like to leave them in my Inventory until after the UA is levelled up and done, but I would guess you may not even need to retain one of each of the 18 fishes to open up the UA. I’m not going to test this though.
Even though I had enough gold to buy the baits on the AH, which I could open on my Brutosaur, I chose not to do this. I don’t like “wasting” gold, but if you have tons of gold to waste, just buy as many baits as you can. Time is money, friend.
As you do this process, you will be fishing up the various baits, and sending them to your alts, so that, the process speeds up with each successive guy. I now have 2 guys who already have 14+ of the various baits already in their mailbox, and all of the rest of the guys have at least 4+ baits. Soon, I’ll be AHing the extra copies, for a good chunk of gold, because someone else will want to do their UA, I would imagine.
The best results when doing Stormheim or Aszuna works like this…
Stormheim and Aszuna both contain one type of fish in which a new pool spawns only after using a bait type. This is the key to levelling up your UA later, once you get your UA.
i.e. Stormheim, you catch and use the “Ancient Vrykul Ring”, in order to spawn pools of “Oodelfjisk”. Aszuna has a similar mechanism, but I prefer Stormheim when levelling the UA.
Always use “Arcane Lure” 100% of the time, so you always have a better chance to catch a bait, and while the baits are unique (you can only carry 1 of each at a time), you CAN mail them to your alts, or sell them on the AH. (some of them are worth a LOT, to someone trying to do the UA now)
The Wowhead guide and comments indicate that the best/fastest results come from fishing in pools, rather than open waters. From my n = 1 experience, I believe this is true. But, if you wanted to NOT bother with flying around, looking for pools, and just fishing in one spot, perhaps that is better for you.
When fishing in pools (with Arcane Lure in use), you get the best results by already having each of the bait types in your inventory, EXCEPT the most valuable/useful one. This way, if you DO catch a bait, it is guaranteed to be the best one.
Using Stormheim as an example, the best bait type is “Ancient Vrykul Ring”, which spawns pools of Oodelfjisk. (you will eventually use this to level up your UA, as well)
So, when you do Stormheim, ideally you have all 4 possible baits for that zone on hand when you start the zone. (look the baits up on Wowhead, Underlight Angler section, for details)
In Stormheim, you FIRST fish for Oodelfjisk by using the Ancient Vrykul Ring, and then move on to the other 2 fish types you need. You do this because by using Ancient Vrykul Ring first, you increase your chance in that zone of any future casts getting you another Ancient Vrykul Ring, which you can mail to your alt, for your next guy. Ancient Vrykul Ring is also the most valuable bait type because when you actually level up (add traits) to the UA, you will be exclusively fishing for Oodelfjisk, as they spawn the longest and you get unlimited consecutive fishes now. When I did this way back when, I recall the Oodelfjisk pools would de-spawn and you might have to go to another one, but now you can sit at one pool as soon as you spawn it. Also, if you prefer Aszuna and Ghostly Queenfishes to level your UA, that is OK and approximately equivalent, but I do Stormheim.
The reason I probably choose Stormheim for levelling the UA is because there is a flight point there for Horde (Dreadwake’s Landing) which has a mailbox. After using the Ancient Vrykul Ring and while fishing for Oodelfjisk, any new bait spawns (assuming I already have the other 3 in my inventory for that zone) will be another Ancient Vrykul Ring, which, depending on the time remaining for the pool, I will fly back to the mailbox and mail the Ancient Vrykul Ring in the hopes of catching ANOTHER Ancient Vrykul Ring. Sometimes you can fish up TWO during a single Ancient Vrykul Ring / Oodelfjisk pool spawn. This minimizes your time, and also (if you needed money instead), maximizes your gold.
I plan to also do my Alliance guys shortly, so perhaps Aszuna is better than Stormheim for Alliance levelling the UA, I don’t know yet. It would depend which Zone has an Alliance mailbox closer to where the fish pools “Oodelfjisk” or “Ghostly Queenfish” are.
I can’t just sit there and fish straight through 3/4 Ancient Vrykul Rings worth of Oodelfjisk in one go. So, I like to grab traits on my UA as it levels up, in smaller bits. If you also do this, when adding traits to your UA, I suggest first grabbing the path for surface tension (water walking), as this will serve you better when actually fishing pools out in the open water than would the pseudo-stealth trait. You will get ALL helpful traits of course, Undercurrent, water walking, stealth, boots, fish form, but get water walking FIRST before you come back for stealth. Getting all important traits requires the use of 3 (or 4) “Ancient Vrykul Ring”, on average. You definitely do NOT need all of the various bonus fish (angling) traits on the UA, unless you really just like to complete things. That’s too much fishing for me, and even on my initial Horde guys I never bothered with that. And yes, you likely have the “Anglers Fishing Raft” toy if you are still reading this, but water walking is just quicker/easier/better than using the Raft.
When doing Val’Sharah, the guide said to (and it appeared true to me) always fish in the pools in the corrupted/red area, because this area has a better chance to drop a “Nightmare Nightcrawler”. You would ideally be using the “Nightmare Nightcrawler” to fish up “Terrorfin” FIRST, as that seems to be the bait with the lowest drop rate, so while doing the other 2 fish types, you will hopefully get another “Nightmare Nightcrawler” for your next guy. (the other 2 bait types seem to drop way more frequently, from my observation)
In Suramar, I have found the bait which drops least frequently is “Enchanted Lure”, so ideally you will begin the Zone with THAT, so while doing the next 2 fish types afterward, you will hopefully get another “Enchanted Lure” for your next guy. (this is similar to Val’Sharah, and also, could just be a coincidence as well; but because I am an “altoholic” or whatever, I usually see trends pretty easily)
There are a couple of points, in which it is helpful to logout and then log back in, as it can glitch out. I want to say they are: (A) Just after you get “Bigger Fish to Fry” achievement, and (B) when waiting for Nat Pagle to appear in Dalaran. (if you read the Wowhead guide, you will know more about this)
4 out of 10 UAs done on Horde Server 2, after that it’s 14 to do on the Alliance server, then come back and do one last guy (Druid 2) on Horde server 1.
I think we have a patch coming up soon in next couple weeks? I hope it’s nothing that really interests me too much. As with Korthia, I only sorta did it on one guy on Horde Server 1, and that’s cool with me.
What a strange time and place we exist in.