Underground Miners in Icecrown

Blizz never “cared”. Way back in the day I was tracking them on my hunter with Track Humanoids, then adding them to friends so I could see where they went. Level 2s were underground mining all the nodes in Eastern Plague Lands, then within seconds would be in some other high level zone, then another, etc. I reported them again and again, made videos showing it, and 6 months later the same characters were all still on my friends list doing the same thing…forever.

Fly hacking, teleport hacking, speed hacking (they did this when you tried to kill them on pvp servers, just ZING, gone!), leveling bots, under world gathering. All been going on since day one, and never once have I seen any action taken by Blizzard to stop them. In all versions of WoW now, it is VASTLY worse than ever before. Now they literally run right out in the open in a never ending train of bots on a scripted path, like a rush hour freeway of bot activity. In both Classics, and retail.

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