Undercity Portal on Roof: What?!?

It seems they didn’t really think their whole portal hub idea through very well… then again, that can be said about most of BFA.

Would anyone like a cookie?

(puts out a lovely little tray of cookies for all to enjoy)



Adding…doesn’t anyone else remember the zeppelin to UC have been bugging out after every patch since legion? They’d fix it only for it to bug out again. I thought this was also their way to fix it permanently.


As slow as Rastlin is at realizing some things I agree that the portal to UC should be in the portal room same with that the Darnassus portal should be in the Stormwind Portal room.


LMAO too funny that portal has been there for a while

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This is easy. Because the portal room is “current,” and currently Undercity technically doesn’t even exist.

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So this is or is not a slap in the face?


he’s gonna say it!! he’s gonna say it!

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I’ve always pictured Rastlin to be like 40 years old close to 400 pounds living in his Mom’s basement and getting outraged that he has to heat up his own mac and cheese in the microwave because his Mom is sick.

Like what other kind of human would type this stuff.

I try to use that term sparingly because it does trigger some folks.

My weight is private and fat shaming is wrong. Many people are heavy set because of glands, not eating.

Well, people knew “where to go” for each and every portal they moved.

Bottom Line: The players do demand Blizzard move that portal into the portal room, which is at least in a spot you can find. Those Zeppelin towers are confusing and easy to mix up.

Its the exact same situation as Darnassus. Calm down before you are overcome with the need to speak to a manager.

I do get the illusion to the cabbage incident but I point out this: Speaking to the manager works because the customer is always right and it is just and proper to demand good service.

So just like I got my cabbage I will indeed get that portal moved to the portal room!

I wasn’t even referring to your cabbage story. Its a meme I am not going to explain.

fixed that for ya

All capital cities are confusing at first to new players.

The destination no longer exists in current content, therefore it makes sense that it would not be in the new portal room.

But at this point apparently everyone but you knows where that portal is. I’ve found the portal to be more convenient than waiting for the zeppelin.

The customer who actually has the gall to come out and say this is, without exception, in the wrong.

It is the equivalent of "do you know who I am?"

  1. They got rid of Undercity (in the present time and canon story).
  2. The destinations of these Zeppelins still exist.

For the sake of consistency they should have returned the zeppelin but phased it for under 110 only.

If your going to make a bunch of wacky changes at least be consistent.

Op needs to chill about portals, this is legit his tenth post about portals! Chill bro chill!


Well I’m a player and I demand they leave the UC portal where it is. You don’t speak for me.

I guess probably I shouldn’t tell you that they also left all the Cata portals in their old spot too?

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Because it’s to a phased zone that happened this expansion. For all we know, they may reintroduce the zeppelins at some point. It’s not your typical portal. It’s only there because you can’t zeppelin at high levels to a zeppelin platform.

It’s the same for Darkshore/Teldrassil.

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