Undercity portal is killing everyone

I don’t know what’s causing this but, the portal to undercity is literally murdering every player that goes through and is in the undercity.


Not everyone.

Some of us did the BfA quests that restored a semblance of normalcy to Lordaeron and Tirisfal Glades.

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What does that matter? It shouldn’t punish players for not doing that quest either way.

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ya but thats blizzard for you


The difference between “everyone” and “everyone who hasn’t done the quests” is probably pretty useful for QA to understand the cause of the observed effect. So they don’t waste time chasing down unrelated issues and can focus on fixing what’s not working.

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Maybe try flying to Brill then fly over to Zidormi outside UC to have her change the timeline to before BFA. Even if you didn’t do the quests to restore UC, you can change the timeline with Zidormi.

A lot of my alts never did BFA and can get her to change the timeline back.

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I was leveling a toon with the candybuckets. Took portal to UC, it was fine. Toon was about 47 or 48. Went to Silvermoon and all the candy down to Booty Bay. Hit 50, flew back to Brill. UC is now a dead zone suddenly. Searched for Zidormi, no where to be found.
So went to Orgrimmar, took UC portal and was teleported into the city and died. Resurrected at the graveyard, searched high and low, still no Zidormi. Left the zone at Bulwark, came back, still no Zidormi.

So it seems the only recourse I now have to spend the stupid candy I got is do a whole stupid quest chain with an undergeared toon? How is this at all fair?

Edit: There should be a skip for the UC quest, especially if one has done this repeatedly on other toons.

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Exactly this happened to me on an alt today.

I have done BFA and Shadowlans, all my toons still die, and i have no access to the Zidormi. This type of problem is pretty sad at this stage in the game

you’re supposed to be able to do that, but it seems like Zidormi doesn’t always show up for everyone anymore.

my hunter, who has been my main since sl and has done all of bfa, and the SL Undercity quests can see Zidormi. My dh who I also made in sl who has done bfa, but not the SL Undercity quest can see Zidormi, my Evoker i made in df pre patch who has only done the BFA intro, and not the Undercityquestline can see Zidormi, but my Druid who I made after tww launch can’t see Zidormi even after doing the bfa intro, and my dad’s earthen pali, who hasn’t done bfa or sl can’t see Zidormi either.

pretty small sample size, and i haven’t tested it too much, so i could definitely be wrong, but i think characters made after tww launch / pre patch, or maybe characters that hit 50 after tww won’t be able to see Zidormi to swap the timeline, so they’re just doomed to die any time they use the Undercity portal unless maybe if they do the SL questline.

but she’s still not showing up somehow for some people, even after doing the bfa intro (when she’s supposed to show up)

I recently did the quest chain that restored Undercity (like 2 days ago). Today I was dropped at the Greymane wall and died again. The quest chain was supposed to let my warband do the Hallows eve quests. NOPE, just another waste of time and a repair bill.
it seems the problem with the warband is accepting the quest from Calia. The safest way to do this is to take ancient portal Dalaran and go down the road from silverpine. ypu owe me 340g Blizz.

Unfortunately this isn’t a new problem and has fallen on deaf ears so far.

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try taking the portal to silvermoon and then use the orb of translocation, it’s the only thing that worked for me

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not for me

If you haven’t done BFA you should spawn into the post Shadowlands version (if completed) or the vanilla timeline.

The fact that it worked this way means it is now broken regardless of if you had or had not started the BFA campaign. Considering the holiday requires Undercity for Horde this is a problem and should not be the default.

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