Undercity not phasing properly

I haven’t been able to participate in Hallows End on any of my Horde toons because whenever I take the portal to the Undercity it phases me into the BFA version and I die instantly and Zidormi isn’t even there to phase me into the Cata version of Tirifal Glades. What is going on!?


You have to go to Oribos to the table and talk to the undead npc there. She will teleport you to UC and let you see zidormi afterwards. Yes, its dumb. Yes, its on every character.


I had that issue on a character last night. The work around I found was to complete the initial BfA questline up to establishing your faction’s presence/hub. Then, when you pop into UC and die, when you get revived by the spirit healer, you’ll be able to see Zidormi and make the switch.

Lol… had the same exact thing happen to me

Was going to buy some upgrade tokens (located in UC) for old heirloom gear yesterday. I take the portal to UC from Orgrimmar (by the blimps), as soon as I load into UC suddenly I’m dying due to some poison aura or something. This expansion and random bugs/glitches… :man_facepalming:


This needs a hotfix for Zidormi or something like an event portal (like the Legion Dalaran event portal just a few months back) that takes players directly from Org to old UC.

From talking with others, some get it to work starting BfA - but not all, some get it to work doing the SL quest - but not all. Nothing seems to consistently work to have Zidormi show up in Trisfal.

Players should NOT have to futz around with either of those - the event should just work either with Zidormi always present or an event portal to old UC from Org.


I have 2 horde toons that have done the Shadowlands quest and they’re still stuck in the post BFA version of Tirisfal Glades.

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Yeah, this is still very much a problem. I have at least one toon that’s stuck in the BFA phase, and I can’t find a way to make Zidormi to appear. I’ve tried both setting up the horde base in BFA, and starting the Oribos quest, and neither option has caused her to appear.

So that toon is completely cut off from Hallows End content. This needs to get a hotfix, immediately.


Bumping to confirm that this bug appears to be fixed now. All my horde toons that were unable to see Zidormi can now see her, and were able to reach the Undercity Hallows End content.

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This is such an unacceptable bug. Zidormi is despawning from the plagued version of tirisfal, making it impossible to go to any version of UC that is useful. FIX THIS NOW. THIS SHOULD BE HIGHEST PRIORITY.


I did the quests to go to BfA and Shadowlands, and I still can’t see Zidormi to phase Undercity so I can get in there. Any other solutions?