You mean what it is doing now?
It already does look bad.
No way, the game is already declining at a fast rate.
You mean what it is doing now?
It already does look bad.
No way, the game is already declining at a fast rate.
You’re right they foolishly would gain subs because people are that selfish and disrespectful to the established lore. “But screw the lore more options!” I mean sure but WoW will never be good again if they keep listening to such ridiculous asks. Undead paladins sure, but stop trying to get velf paladins, it will never be deserved.
We already have undead paladins… blood elf paladins with the dark ranger customization.
Maybe that’s why void elves will have the paladin class because they have the high elf and dark ranger customizations.
If we have a Void Paladin skin, that would be awesome !
Lightforged Draeni Death Knights exist
All arguments are null and void from that point forward
And I can only repeat myself at this point, you can’t take players, who use the lore in wow as a reason to gatekeep more freedom for other players serious anymore.
WoW was at it’s peak in vanilla before all the expansions ruined it. Blood elf Paladins on Horde, Draenei Shaman on Alliance. Then the flying nonsense and all the Hero class garbage. Paladin is the only real Hero class!
If one does not take the time read the lore, discuss lore is a waste of time.
DKs are the Antitesis of Paladins since WC2. It has been debated to exhaustion and it has been said in Canon Sources. So there is not much to argue.
well sylvanaus and blizzard was/are actively trying to take the nelfs out. so youre getting some of your wish lol
Leonid Barthalomew, Sir Zeliek are 2 examples of undead paladins.
Simply the name of the “Lightforged” would suggest they couldn’t be able to be a death knight by your logic, yet here we are. The inverse can be possible- and is.
Make class skins and I will be fine with this.
Hopefully never.
Undead paladins really don’t work since an undead being infused with Light would probably disintegrate or something. But I suppose Sir Zelliek and Calia Menethil could be used to fashion an argument in favor of it.
Void elf paladin is a horrible idea that should never happen. Void elves are infused with Void, paladins are infused with Light. When Light and Void come into contact with each other, the result is explosive and unsuitable for a race/class combo to work in lore.
They should do that with several races. An option that lets you choose what sub race you are.
In case of paladins you could lock all natural skin and hair colors under the name high elf for example. Paladin would be for that specific sub race. I guess many high elf fans would be happy about such a change.
Though personally I couldn’t care less anymore after what was done to this game’s lore over the last couple of years.
sometimes it feels like certain people here arent reading any other post reply
most modern games dont reserve classes based on race. reservations are rather for class abilities. the dynamic is class vs. class. not race vs. race. you see hints of it in vanilla with shamans vs. paladins but that was compromised because wow had the faction vs. faction dynamic and isolated the races into those specific classes/factions. tbc began to open up classes but still stuck in factional divides. as the factional divide fades, so should the class-race restrictions.
classes should provide enuff flavor and dynamics to keep it spicy, so race/faction is irrelevant.
Removing the race/faction restriction would probably be a reason for me to come back to this game. I have only 1 month of game time left and don’t plan to resub anythime soon. Some innovation and changes like that however would make wow a lot more fun for me.
I’m just sick and tired of the amount of restrictions in this game.
yeah it’d be easier for the devs too as their only focus would be are the classes balanced and interesting, instead of are the classes balanced, are the races balanced, are the factions balanced, etc.
Looks fun, but technically people can still make such events. Gear and racials are of course important too for such a battle.
racials would be unnecessary since race wouldnt matter. like thunderstomp or escape artist not necessary, instead add new class abilities and balance those vs other classes. class flavor not race flavor. simplified and streamlined.
Stinky elves.