I’ve read somewhere (or told by someone, it has been a while) that undeads are resistant to void corruption. Does this still hold truth or has been retconed somehow? If still holds, do you folks think it will play a part as the story goes forward?
I believe it was brought up around WotLK - basically, explaining that the Scourge were virtually immune to the influence of the escaping Yogg-Saron.
It hasn’t really come up since, and I don’t expect it to. The only plausible reason to do this would be to highlight the Forsaken or Death Knights as being uniquely suited to fight the Void, and as interesting as that would be, I just don’t really see them doing it. It might be mentioned in a side quest or something but we already have a pretty good idea of who the headliners for the Void content are and they’ve all got beating hearts.
Iirc it was state during wrath somewhere cause the scourge was wearing saronite plate, although wheather its due to the nature of undeath or being part of a hive mind is up to you
Forsaken legit have Shadow Resistance, so it is backed up in game mechanics as well. Sadly, it is looking like Void themes are just going to go to Alleria. Maybe Umbric/Velves. Anything that would make sense for Forsaken to receive a spotlight ends up going to DKs.
Honestly I’d like to think is due to undeath itself. Something along the lines of “No matter how many possibilities you behold, all of them have a last breath.”
Which is a shame, honestly. I’d love to see some joint operations between the Forsaken and DKs, especially when-
Ah, right. Forget I said anything.
This is already retconned. The Forsaken were immune to Void but vulnerable to Holy Light. Emerald Nightmare corruption directly affected Sylvanas mind. And Calia’s bubble of Light did nothing to Forsaken during the heritage questline.
With how long the Forsaken have been around chances are any Nathrezim taint in the Necromantic Death Magic has been purged by the constant exposure to Healers ages ago!
Constant exposure to Light by Healers will inevitably and painfully purge the Nathrezim’s Revendreth-aligned Death Magic over time until only Maldraxxi and Mawsworn Death Magic is left.
The Nathrezim of course while pained by the Light have the benefit of being Fel Corrupted making them more resistant to Light than Venthyr(allowing them to walk freely in the Ember Ward despite the pain) despite their taint of Mardum infecting Sargeras dooming Demons to suffer pain from Light Exposure.
and right after that, her light healing is shown to hurt forsaken again it hasen’t been retconned