Undead/Necromancy Themed Guild?

Hey, guys. Anyone know of any active Undead or Necromancy themed guilds out there?

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I wish i knew, but you might try asking the peeps in Undercity United discord.

Better yet, start one.

I have tons of open character slots because i hate having alts. So if you need some assorted lv 1 Forsaken models to act as the fodder, i could help.

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I may take you up on that. I have been considering trying my hand at running my own guild. Honestly not sure how successful it would be. I have a few ideas, but who knows?

A Cult of the Damned guild that serves Bolvar as the new Death God could be a really cool idea!

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That’s very similar to one of the ideas I’ve been rolling around in my head. Thought if I am honest, it probably wouldn’t be using Bolvar as the figurehead.

Hm, I would say definitely dark, closer to evil if you consider the study and practice of Necromancy evil. Though probably not necessarily “villainous.” I’m a fan of Lawful Evil personally so I’m not sure. Nothing is set in stone. Just trying to see what, if anything, is out there guild-wise, and if there is nothing what might pull in some interest.

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I’ve been searching high and low for similar guilds and have 0 luck so far. I do have 2 I am in, but with one, the guild leader has been gone 30 days without a word, and the other the guild leader left for vacation, 3 months of it, but failed to leave current members with any way to manage the guild, invite members, ect… shame too, would have been good.

wherever I land, I do have at least one more member that’d be following behind me eventually. Some irl stuff slowing them down, but they’ve been dying to RP their forsaken priest… pun not intended.

If you do follow through with this, I’d very much like to know about it.

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I just pictured Bolvar trying to have a picnic in Kul Tiras with his daughter, and he just has this huge crowd of fans following him calling him their promised leader, like Monty Python’s Life of Brian.


I am thinking on it very hard. I will definitely let you know if anything manifests.


Hi yes, please keep us updated :slight_smile:

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The more I kick the idea around in my head the more I think it should happen. I just got to figure out the logistics of actually putting something together that would be fun for more people than just myself. XD


Forsaken rp and death knight rp ftw! If it encourages positive roleplay with potential of fantastic storylines then do it! Let me know if ya need help with anything, i know alot of people here in this thread would do the same!

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Thank you! I’ve decided to move ahead and form a guild the < Dark Empyrean > it’s still in the set-up phase so I haven’t started recruiting yet. It’s going to be open to all undead and their allies as well as anyone interested in the study and practice of necromancy.


What became of this?