Undead Reproduction

How do the Nerubians reproduce via eggs if they’re undead?

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Some things are best left unknown.
wiggles toes


The Nerubians who are still alive I assume do so fine.

We’ve seen in wow that undead eggs are fairly common though. I’d assume magic involved allows them to grow feeding on death magic until they’ve developed enough to hatch.

THey weren’t undead until Arthas defeated them and turned them into undead .

The eggs could of been laid before then .


Eggs in the fridge last longer too. Northrend is a giant icebox.

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They dig up Family members to reanimate when they need more people.

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Necromancy can raise many things. the humans, the birds, maybe spiders for instance

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I believe there are SOME living ones . . . and we killed a whole lot of em on an island expedition in BFA. Yyyyyyyyyyep.

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