Collective guilt is morally wrong.
By your logic. All germans are evil inherently.
Collective guilt is morally wrong.
By your logic. All germans are evil inherently.
There are 2 ways we could thereotically make this work.
Nice strawman but I’m over here Mario.
Undeath is an aberration of life which must be destroyed to bring back the natural order of things.
ALL undeath. Even the cute, bubbly personality, no bones showing that would offend global markets or sexualized undead.
I’m sure some of the grain delivered to Stratholm was safe to eat too. But if the crate says “ScourgeCo™” I wouldn’t trust it.
Just change wordings.
Holy becomes unholy.
Light becomes darkness.
Light effects become dark effect.
And you have your undead paly. There is no reason to not give forsaken the pally class. Name it Dark Knight or whatever
Me waiting for Blizzard to add Undead Paladins.
Once again, two random guys have outperformed a giant company.
Class skins would be awesome. And they would bypass the lore problem perfectly.
Tauren priests and paladins are using holy magic they just aren’t deriving it from the concept of the holy lihght but the sun.
Collective guilt is collective guilt. You can’t blame an entire people for the actions of some individuals int hat group. Or even their primary government. If you want another fantasy example look at the drow. The drow are supposed to be evil and yet one of the most famous drow is decidedly not.
This might be off topic, but I want Dark Knights, or Void Knights.
They could be their own standalone thing, or they could simply be a visual rework of the Paladin, with a darker shadow or void theme instead of Holy. I don’t know how the healing part would make a lot of sense, but it’d be very cool.
They are called death knights
While true lore wise, as a class within the constraints of the game, no. Just like death coil does not heal undead players and holy light does not hurt hem.
There are a number of lore “rules” that have been broken for the benefit of the game. We are far enough down this road undead paladins are not as serious a faux-pas as it would be even 10 years ago. Really this particular Rubicon was already pretty much crossed with vanilla and undead holy priests.
What I want to know is where are the Kul’Tiran paladins? Did they all just throw up their hands after the death of Admiral Proudmoore and say “I QUIT!”? The Gil’neas paladins too. Did they get bit and are like “Well my old armor doesn’t fit now and the fur gets caught in the joints, going back to the abbey and wearing robes.”?
Literally have a handful of cash set aside once that race class combo goes live some day.
Forsaken paladins have been missing since day 1. If undead can be priests, then they can be paladins too. That’s it. That’s my speech.
I have a shaman I haven’t played since mop that is in the same boat. Part of me wants fire hydrant totems for a worgen shaman, though that might not be serious enough for the modern humorless Blizzard.
LOL! Oh my god, that is just grand
We passed the through the “Dumb race/class” event horizon when Lightforged gained the warlock class option which led to me proclaiming “the lore is dead” and as such go ahead and make everyone including forsaken paladins.
I don’t get why THAT was your red line. Like we haven’t had holy undead priests, male night elf druids, Thrall’s Horde warlocks, and gnome warriors since vanilla.
Mix in various monks, shamans, and druids, death knights, and mages since then for good measure.
The lightforged are literally draenei who’s dedication to fighting the legion was so great that they basically got elevated to a whole new tier of badasses.
And now they’re just casually flinging around fel and no one is saying tickety boo.
Undead holy priests: The conflict here is innate. More severe than lightforged draeni, because the undead are CREATED by undeath, where lightforged are just infused with light. It would be like a warlock Naaru.
Male night elf druids: Elune was the goddess of the female night elves. Cenarius of the males. The sex segregation was integral to this race’s identity and magic systems.
Thrall’s Horde is based on shamanism and a rejection of the old Horde ways. Having them is on par with Night Elf warlocks.
Gnome warriors: Total meme. They were always the weak race that depended on technology for survival.