Undead Paladins When?

It makes no sense because the process of lightforging would turn an undead into a pile of ashes. The light is harmful for them. So you need to retcon the old lore to make this even possible.

I think Calia shows that it’s possible to be raised into Undeath through means that could allow us to have playable Forsaken Paladins.

Personally I think letting the Legion join the Alliance was a huge blow, but not a fatal blow to lore.

The killing blow will be VOID Elf PALADINS.

Caila is a retcon herself.

Welcome to World of Retcon.

Old lore? You have a point. BUT we now have Calia and a lightforged demon. Old lore is now too old in a lot of cases. I’m not saying it’s a good idea. We just have contradictions in the game that can fully support some changes. Pretty sure another Naaru could eastly not roast an undead, but some other lesser power likely wouldnt be able to.

She’s an elist npc that has nothing to do with this at all ,her story isn’t even part of this. In a way, since the undead are really animated dead with their bodies falling apart,it would make sense if they can be resurrect(which is a paladin spell) but that would mean they would have their bodies whole again. So in the long run all of it doesn’t make sense. “To be or not to be”

Don’t we already have death knights?

Now that everyone can be everything and the factions basically no longer exist…

If undead Paladins are a thing, why not let them have the choice to return their humanity. If this happens, Undead need the ability to cleansed and become human.


Blizzard makes it happen on the basis that they say it can. That’s how they treat their so-called “lore” anymore.

And pretty much have been since Cata.

I’m hoping that Metzen being Creative Director is going to fix some of the broken lore, but eh, not holding my breath.

We’ll pretty much have our counter-intuitive lore and like it, because “happiness is mandatory, citizen.”