Undead Paladins When?

I made my FBelf undead with the skin and looks amazing. Honestly Im happy. I dont care about anything else. <3

Well with Calia being raised into undeath by the light there is now an excuse to do it.

Wtf cares though. Do people really pay that much attention to character models all under gear?!?? Let people be able to customize and mix and match class and races as much as they want.


Nope, they need to design a paladin mount with each race. Shamans and pallys last.

We already have Lightforged Draenei Warlocks and the world isn’t shattered.

Illidan’s arc in Legion show that the naaru could infuse their light against a creature will, bounding them. We already have lightforged dreadlords and lightbound orcs (Yrel’s militia), I don’t see the problem with any class being paladin now.

All those other examples were purging one “corrupting” force in a living being to replace it with another. Player Undead are literally animated by shadow magic. If that shadow magic is removed, the Forsaken will no longer be animated, they’d just be dead. And if you tried to replace it with light, they’d just become a burned husk.

As soon as the Desolate Council pays the application fee and union dues. I’m not sure who your shop steward is these days, it’s either Liadrin or that Bloodvalor dude.

I mean he only worked cause the lich king’s own power held him together. He wasnt some random undead that happened to become a paladin for the lich king…


When they enable for all races.

I rather see light forged undead then normal forsaken as paladins…

It’s cringe seeing a normal one be a paladin an think it’s “Normal” situation considering lore said they’d be suffering terribly.

Not soon enough.

If that happens, warcraft lore is dead for good.

Let’s hope they scrap the idea like when they did with AR races

Not if they just make all new paladins lightforged. That bypasses any negatives. How ridiculous you believe it to be is another matter.

No. Undead Lightforged aren’t much better tbh.

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When you stop eating people

They are totally better. You just hate. Seriously, a lightforged anything is now LIGHT. A lightforged undead is just a corpse with the power of light instead of the normal magics that raise undead. You can hate the idea, but it makes a lot more sense that a lightforged undead can be a paladin over a basic forsaken thinking they can wield the light like a paladin.

I might be a Undead Paladin if Kul’tirans and Void Elves can finally be paladins as well as worgens too.

Every time I see someone post about the, “End of WoW!” when someone even suggests a thing that doesn’t currently exist in the game, this is how I see them:

Tell me this do the undead still fall apart?