Undead, Orc or Belf Death Knight

I’m faction transferring my DK (lol alliance dead) and have narrowed down my options to these three:

  • Belf because arcane torrent is stupid easy and stupid powerful to use.
  • Orc because they’re cool and their racial is a free macro buff.
  • Undead because they’re cool and thematically appropriate.

Which do you think is the best option?



I wish we had DIs, but it has to be Horde.

I am red, that counts, horde :+1:

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nah, Dark iron dwarves are too metal for horde.

they’re just pretenders with spikes on everything


I will narrow your result down to 2.
Orc DK is just kinda awesome. Hardiness and the racial just feel really good on a DK.

Blood Elf EK feels nice as frost, it just is a nice look to be that pale dead Belf looks pretty good. Extra runic regen helps heaps.

Blood Elf.

No contest. :laughing:

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Orc of course!

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Ohhhhh i saw orc. I think they look like absolute units in plate

I made an Undead Death Knight because I couldn’t resist the theme. If you want to PvP you may want to go orc. If you are more into looks and transmogs… Belf.

Yes Contest!
i will fight you on it!

/grabs Uno Cards

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Prob go with mag orc tbh.

I’m not going to disagree with the people saying so and so for w/e but my undead death knight is just so thematic, and when I use cannibalize I feel so freaking cool.

That and the way they use the two handed swords when you press they abilities is pretty satisfying.


Obviously the Chadly Male Orc Unholy Death Knight with an upright posture. There’s also so much Roleplay potential there, since you could have the backstory of a Former Warlock.

Undead Unholy Death Knights would be my second recommendation.
Human Frost Death Knight would be my third.

human female is the only option

female belf close second

only downside is…
the dk undead sound like a child laughing in a mic


I’d say Orc - plate looks so good on them, and their racials are great too.

Also, Dranosh Saurfang.

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Except the shoulders look horrible IDK why they float.

Blood elf because they’re cute :elf:

Orcs are ballers, one of the best dps racial cd’s, pet damage racial, and a slight reduction on stuns, plus the plate sets look like utter units of destruction on orcs.