Undead Night Elves are NOT going to return to the Alliance

And Calia’s not coming to the Horde, and they’re with her.

So they’re probably going to be doing their own thing. I’d bet they’re in some SL faction we’ll have to get at least revered with for something.

Not coming to the Alliance does not mean joining the Horde. I hope so at least. Perfectly good undead faction that’s been pretty sorely neglected already on the Red Team. Not interested in side lining them even more so we can have more story time with depressed dead elfes.


Don’t you see? This game needs more elves! Moar elves! Not enough as long as this game isn’t about elves! They are our saviour to the humbo overlords!


You don’t think killing your own people is betrayal?


Surprise - They will be new a new allied race for the Horde if you get exalted :roll_eyes:


If Calia’s becoming their leader and they’ve already confirmed Calia’s not joining the Horde, so… Not likely.


They’re probably putting Calia, Derek, and the undead Night Elves in the “forget me box.” Given the first responses when they were created, it doesn’t come as shocking. This is one of those careful what one wishes for, it might come true.

Well except for Calia and Derek, they shouldn’t be even existing in their states.


Have Elune create some miracle and bring all these characters back to life to recon all this nonsense please.


Dks and sylvanas herself fought against the ones raised them and move back to their respective races; blizzard only keeps this nonsensical to keep forsaken as “race”, at this point all forsaken new additions have no logic

the old forsaken of lordaeron did were rejected and they had almost no nexus to the rest of human kindoms but undead nelves were asked to rejoin kaldorei

dks when came back to their factions were spitted and all but they still came to the alliance/horde. these new generations of undead seems like millennials


Elune abandoned the Night Elves. They are Forsaken now. It’s time for them to join their brothers and sisters in the Horde.


That would leave them totally defenseless against Alliance reprisals from people like… my character who still wishes to hunt them all down.


Not if when you walk up to them they’re tagged as a friendly group you can get quests from and/or reputation with.

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Now you know how Horde players feel about taking quests from Malfurion or Valen.


We already did this with Saurfang. It’s not new at this point.


I wanted to shoot him as well.

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And instead you worked with him and got your Veteran of the Fourth War title. He was safe from you, too.

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Where was it confirmed Calia was not joining the Horde?

All current content has been pointing to the fact that Lilian has recruited Calia to the Horde, and Blizzard usually goes with what they’re hinting at.

Depends on your interpretation of a translation of an interview done in Chinese:


Shadowlands Pathfinder part one for Flying.


Ion was interviewed by a Chinese website right after the last Blizzcon.

Here is the original interview. If you know Chinese go ahead.

htt ps://ngabbs.com/read.php?tid=19140553&rand=311

Otherwise you can read Namira translation.

Undead Alliance IS the worst possible outcome.

This clarification was a huge relief.

Hopefully. It’s long overdue.

If the Alliance somehow got Undead elves when undead elves have been a part of the Horde since Vanilla, that would be absolute insanity.

Blah blah blah. There’s still way more Night Elves than Void Elves.

Why would Calia be their leader? She’s not an elf.