Undead Model Rework!

I have to totally agree with you here Sidvictus, I chose an Undead becaue were superior to anything out there

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They’ve been my favorite since day one, my first character, and really the only race I’ll ever consider RP acceptable for.


Not to mention I love it when my tongue hangs down my face when I eat soup


But how will you know they’re horde if they’re not slouching? I’ve been waiting for Taurens to get a slouch since forever because I confuse them for a pretty alliance race.

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I agree, personally. The Forsaken, to me, are in a weird place. They aren’t visually pleasing but at the same time nor are they threatening or scary.

I’d prefer one like the Proudmoore model or something with more bite. Right now they’re weirdly in the middle.


Says the orc with upright model option

I dismounted from too high up and landed on a rock. I don’t have a slouched option on this character anymore.


Just give forsaken an upright skeleton option and ill be happy! I dont wanna have flesh! I wanna tear it all off!

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What does screen time have to do with anything? You hardly ever see dwarves, goblins, or gnomes in those big-budget cinematics either.

I get wanting more customization options, but I don’t understand this desire to turn WoW’s designs into something else. “High Elves” are now Blood Elves, and if the Forsaken were pretty, they wouldn’t be outcasts who were forced to live in the ruins of their former homes.

Trees tinkin more options always good. But Trees gotta lota friends who love being da forsaken. Dont want dem to change unless dey want eet.


You think giving forsaken the ability to stand up straight and/or be skeletons would make them “pretty”? Interesting.

Theres several examples of all the races youve mentioned that are still around and didnt die almost as soon as we met them.
Dwarves- magni, muradin, moira, falstad, etc
Gnomes- mekkatorque, chromie, prince erazmin, etc
Goblins- gazlowe, gallywix, etc.

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And maybe less bones sticking out, I probably pay them more if they didn’t somehow rip every armor they wear (I don’t understand how their elbows keep ripping into armor, you think they would actually buy bigger sizes to fit them).


I would like the Zandalari skeleton models myself : )

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On another note, I wouldn’t be surprised if that will be the allied race counterpart to the Forsaken, more cleaner verison. So people can choose between the two.

I would love an upright skeleton allied race!

Lol I don’t

Don’t forget we have bright holy-like golden eyes as opposed to red scary and intimidating eyes

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That is flawed logic. You are suggesting only people content with the current state have a relevant opinion on changes? There are people who would happily play Forsaken with minor changes. Even the Chinese version with skin would get me to play my Forsaken more - that version exists.

Perhaps these people would play a Forsaken if they had more options. Options that resembled some of the main characters in their Races story line.

Nathanos and Derek are looking good. Sylvanas looks nothing like the playable Forsaken, yet leads them. In Before the Storm, after Calia was brought back, she was said to look in fine shape as well, with little if any decomposition.

It seems like the Playable Forsaken out side of China are the only ones without the option
 ironically enough.


I wouldn’t mind the upright option. I want the heritage armor ASAP

Also a bones free option for the current model, like they have in China.