Undead Keep Getting Dumpstered

Because she’s thinking it to herself, and not being a mustache twirling villain in her own head? She can also respect Vol’jin, like she respected Varian, largely because these two were a lot more pragmatic than most racial leaders she dealt with. And I’m not saying there aren’t retcons … I don’t trust Blizz to not do that. I do however contest the assertion that she was lying to herself in BtS; as there is not enough information to make that call.

I don’t think Sylvanas is quite the equal partner in her relationship that she may think she is with the Jailor. I don’t think she knows every plan, or perhaps every ally, he has. I do think that the identity of who made her warchief is being kept secret to her; which is why it was apparently so hard to torture out of Mueh’zala in the upcoming Bwon questline. Even though hiding that truth now would have no value if she already knew. I do think that her afterlife she was shown was a lie, and she was nudged in a convenient direction for the one that created it.

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I guess just to really disappoint Horde fans?

Or a hell of a roundabout sell to Alliance fans. I mean say what you will about the Banshee Queen but she did just get rid of Anduin. Her approval rating is probably higher there than in the Horde.

Too be fair Atleast the Forsake characters will end up with a character that choose to be undead to lead them instead of alive.

Worgen Are going to be stuck following Tess greymane who chooses to be human rather than Worgen to lead them when Genn finally dies.

Yeah, ironically if she can kill boy wonder I don’t care if she gets a redemption. She will be redeemed in my eyes.


I feel like this is more a problem for the players than the people of Gilneas. Most of which have made the concious choice not to pass down the curse they’ve been afflicted with to the next generation. That heritage questline is also correct in that while all PC Worgen are Gilnean, not all Gilnean are Worgen. Genn is the King of Gilneas, not just the Worgen. Tess is the princess of Gilneas, not just the Worgen. If anything people should be hoping someone like Lorna willingly takes on the curse to offset Tess.

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And the consensus from the Worgen players here at least seems to be disgust. Rightfully so as who the hell cares about Gilneans?.

Certainly not Blizzard. Because everything fun you could’ve done with the English thing has been handed to the Kul Tirans. Christ sake the Gilneans are specifically VICTORIAN England and nobodies even bothered to do a Jack the Ripper or Sherlock Holmes character. That’s as low as low hanging fruit gets and they stopped at duck mothering tophats.

The Worgen stand as the greatest waste of potential in playable Warcraft race history. And what happened to them makes me want to dose Calia in Blight more than any other character in WoW.

I’d take Herbert Gloomburst over Calia. I just met him but already he’s a better representation than Calia.


I’m not saying its great, but it is what it is. Blizzard screwed up on the lore of the Worgen curse, and the Worgen PC racial fantasy has been heavily effected by it. Not only is it a curse that does not pass on through birth (which means that a cultural change to have people deliberately being afflicted by it would be required), but its also a curse of the Soul (which means, even after death you’re still cursed). In both cases, normal people have no reason to want to pass that sort of burden down to their kids “just because its cool”.

As for Calia … we’ll see. I don’t like her, but considering she is likely going to be part of the Forsaken moving forward its best to try to consider “best case scenarios” that include her. Finding some means to distance her from the Alliance to some degree, and building up an appropriate counterbalance to offset her (a role Voss “could” fill) are minimum starts.

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https ://wow.gamepedia.com/Curse_of_the_Worgen

And that stands as the biggest failure of a racial concept I’ve seen.

The Worgen have never really had a niche to fill. I think they were supposed to be the Alliance answer to the Forsaken but they never really were.

I still argue I think they’d make a great foil for the OG Horde moreso than the Forsaken. Because unless it’s strictly a Halloween War, the scary creatures of the night with spooky glowing eyes and claws look like they should be on the same side.

And now I’m worried as it seems the Forsaken aren’t anymore.

Now if it were me, I’d do a twist were humans were being invited into Forsaken territory to grow crops as the undead are bad at the whole life thing. Idea being, outside a % on their crop sales the Forsaken would only tax them with a blood or plasma donation instead of gold. So if you can deal with the undead being your neighbors and taking your blood, you can actually make an ish ton of gold.

With of course the proviso that upon death, natural or otherwise, you are either raised or become an organ doner. But the benefit of never having your soul trapped into your rotting corpse turned ghoul shock troop is there. Which I imagine will be a concern post SL.

That’d provide an interesring situation where the Forsaken use their undeath to their advantage to consensually create more undead via economic incentive. Or at least an unending supply of replacement parts because Mr.Westfall Farmer - high chance your graves going to be defiled by gnolls anyway. Might as well make sure your family’s well compensated for the corpse dismemberment.

Turn that whole situation around on Stormwind. Because why the hell would an undead want to go to Stormwind? Providing you aren’t stuck with pitchforks and burned with torches the moment you step outside you’re probably going to have to get a job somewhere. And you know they’re going to take advantage of your ability to not breathe so have fun cleaning the stockade’s outflow pipe.

Or clam farmers. Imagine how lucrative Pearl Harvesting would be if you have someone who can spend DAYS walking about the ocean floor collecting Oysters.

Okay that’s a book character.

What you wouldn’t like a Worgen character with the old school outfit?

And then he could have a Poirot styled Forsaken rival?

Presumably with a Watzson Gnome and Hatesting Orc sidekick respectively.


I’m more of the mind that we need an impetus for Voss growth as a leader (its better late than never), and to distance Calia from the Alliance. So many peace oriented characters, Calia included, being locked within the SLs does present an interesting avenue. We also need a reason for more Gilneans to accept the Curse. Though the Forest Trolls being hit hard too might be needed to fully capitalize on the final outcome of a “Unified” EK Horde.

Turalyon is the only Alliance leader who’s so out of date that he’d still see it as appealing to reclaim all the territories of the Old Alliance. What he lacks is power and motive. So … the Lightbound appearing while we are away can provide that power. The assassination of someone like Genn or Faol (who stumbled too close to the truth of Yrel and her cult) and pinning it on the Horde could provide motive. Have us return from the SLs with the Horde almost at the breaking point under the combined forces of the Alliance and Lightbound; but also right when things are becoming really screwy on the Alliance side with their new allies as well (Crystallization of Azeroth like AU Draenor).

The Alliance gets their hits in; The Horde loses some territories temporarily, but gets some appropriate character plot armor. The remaining Horde leaders on Azeroth all get much needed time to develop; Voss especially. Calia gets a reason to distance from the Alliance a bit. The Gilneans like Lorna have reason to culturally accept the Curse. Even the Forest Trolls getting dragged into a Light Crusade might prompt unusual Alliances with Old Enemies against New Ones.

Book character yes but still a lore character.

Obviously, they couldn’t of made the similarities too close but there was a “Jack the Ripper” (Starlight Slasher), a Homes-esk character (Ramsey) and even a Watson (Cox), who, plot twist, was secretly a villain.

I’ve read worse Holmes fan-fiction.

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We have races willingly becoming Deathknights…
So it’s not exactly something too hard to put into the story…

Hell, the (unofficial) lore reason there are so many Void Elves is because, apparently high elves are suppose to be getting “voidforged” and joining their ranks.

So why can’t Stormwind Humans start taking on the Worgen curse? Why does it have to be only Gilnean?

God, I hate all of that. Worgens and Void Elves and Deathknights should of been few in number FOR A REASON. They shouldn’t be just “I want to be Furry/Edgy so let me curse myself with undeath/lycanthopy/Madness because it’s cool”…


Interestingly enough the Revantusk are on good terms with the Forsaken. Though I still think the Forsaken should focus on democracy and kind of their own thing and am deeply disinterested in losing one extra scrap of territory in Azeroth after Tirisfal.

Because everything outside the Sepulchre and Tarren Mill is phased mind to hell and back and Brill was the place to set any undead themed event. That’s like the only town feeling place we had. Everything else is a FOB for a military campaign that either stalled or failed.

Then you should be on board for my Hercule Poirot VS Sherlock Holmes but now they’re undead and a werewolf idea and it’s Azeroth idea.

C’mon you could have the Forsaken with an obviously fake moustache and a Worgen with an obviously ill fitting deerstalker hat which is all the more ironic for their race.

This would be fun, damnit. Have some murder mystery quests where you actually have to consider clues. Give them enough variables to change the murderer so they’re not immediately spoiled.


Now, I could get behind that. We had one like that in Westfall but was pretty straight forward if a bit long. Oh, and the Original Mistmantle questline was an Epic mystery that was amazing. The “sequel” wasn’t as interesting though.

I doubt they’d do something so elaborate because it would be a Lore nightmare.

Well, I am of the mind that the Forsaken should probably abdicate HIllsbrad and Southern Silverpine. They don’t have the strength to hold those zones now with Stromgarde rebuilt, and Gilneas is always a point of contention. On the other hand there is no reason that the Forsaken and EK Horde shouldn’t control the Plaguelands. If just for national security.

So, the Forsaken get Northern SP (just north of the Forsaken Front, which has highly defensive Terrain). They get and reinforce Fenris Isle and Keep. They get Tirisfal and Lordaeron, WP, EP, and Stratholme. With the exception of the former Scarlet Enclave territories, which the Forsaken and BEs give to the Forest Trolls to reunify their Northern and Southern cities; with the Horde subtly getting those invaders the Wildhammer to leave the Hinterlands (they should go home to the Highlands now that apparently Old God corruption is on the way out anyway).

Thus, the Northern EK Horde create a clear border point following the mountain range of the Hinterlands. Incorporating the Revantusk/Forest Troll controlled Hinterlands, the Frostwolf controlled Alterac, and the Forsaken Controlled hills of Silverpine.

We the Alliance have been saying how dispacable the Forsaken & Sylvanas are since Vanilla. They should all be destroyed.

The Forsaken’s most sacred symbol - Sylvanas, which is now to be destroyed forever too now by the end of next expansion. Given she has now showed her true colours. She is not a strong independent woman, but a genocidal maniac. When she dies as a villain, all her feats, glory and heroism in the past die with her and so should with it — The Forsaken.

After she perishes, the Alliance should get a quest / scenario where we round up the Forsaken and wipe them out with our forgotten brothers the Scarlet Crusade! Thus the Forsaken become extinct and all Forsaken players get a forced race change.

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I think the worry would be more frustrating players by making them actually read things.

Hell you could even do a fun thing where there’s a murder on a train and Sherlock suspects Poriot. And c’mon the Hound of Baskerville writes itself on that note.

I mean I sooner think I’ll win the lottery than any of that happening but here’s an idea;

Maybe the Forsaken, Sin’Dorei and Kaldorei and Draenei just get to keep the north parts of their continents. And Silverpine and the Hinterlands can remain a flashpoint as Ashenvale and Azshara will be as well.

Sally Whitemane. The irony would be delicious.

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Welp, they literally ranted and shoved down our throats that in BFA:

  • The war would be ‘mOrAlLy GrEy’
  • Sylvanas wouldn’t be the villain / not the one to burn down the tree
  • Sylvanas isn’t going to be a Garrosh 2.0

That was the biggest load of … well, it was clearly a lie. It wasn’t ‘cleverness’ or ‘faking us out’ it simply seemed like someone on the writing team hated Sylvanas and found an ample opportunity to get rid of her by whacking the villain bat back onto the Horde … again.

So them lying again doesn’t seem like a farshot - sadly.