Undead Elf allied race

No. Just make San’layn into a customization option for the Blood Elves. No more elf allied races that share the same exact model. It’s a waste of a slot for something much better… like I don’t know, Venthyr? Kyrian? Sylvari?

San’layn Elves are very a tall Vampire Blood Elves , not some little elves who are called Blood Elves . Two different types of Elves .

Given Blood Elves customization to be Vampires doesn’t make them true Vampires .
Is that what you players want is copy and paste your characters to look like the other races ? What happen to having true Identity ?

Except they’re represented in-game by pale Blood Elves with red eyes. The Princes are the only ones with different appearances.

No I just don’t want an Allied Race slot wasted by what is essentially a customization option. Hence why I’m cool with High Elves, Wild Hammer, or Sandfury Trolls all being customization options.

Except you still have it.

A undead ally race be it elf or not isnt a wasted space consindering they could make it more of a banshee… and we need some scary monster races so it fits good

Hush you, don’t destroy my dream of an upright-standing undead paladin ;…;

If it’s a reskin of an existing race (Which San’layn are) then t’s a waste of an Allied Race. Especially when things much more relevant and interesting, like the Covenant Races, exist.

Well, I’ll admit it’s certainly more likely to happen then Void elf paladins.

no. simple blood elf option should do. no need to ‘‘allied race’’ it.

Why not have one allied Elf race and just add customization to it . We all can play World of Simcrafted . No need to have all these ally races .
We can also play mommy and daddy too .

Oh so like brown skin orcs and your guys are just reskin lore added of trolls and orcs but cant do it for the undead lol
Humans literally just got fat humans as a body shape 4 there’s lol
So the undead get screwed over with lazy customization addons and nothing special or unquie and no ally race cuz it’s just reskin

Seems they’ve kinda changed their mind on that as times have changed and Exile’s Reach now exists.

Lol what??? Zandalari? Reskins? Hoo boy.

What do you want for undead…? San’layn? They’re completely different. Heck they’re already playable in the form of Blood Elf Death Knights and Void Elves… Oh look! That’s what you are! How convenient.

Have you looked at the customization options? Also, a Blood Elf is not a customization option for an undead. It’s a customization option for Blood Elves. Since they’re… well, Blood Elves.

So I have to put up with a stupid mele class 4 everything because everyone else gets a ally race but it’s fine u can play 12 dks for other ally races…

Idc what it is but yes it would suit and I could PlAY OTHER CLASSES INSTEND OF MELE 4 UNDEAD ELF …

Really … how dumb of a excuse ppl use well you can dk 4 it… while we all can play any class we want with the theme but undead lovers must all be dk 4 their other options

If they dont do it dks need a range a healer and caster specs with no undead ally race we forced into dk 4 all the undead themes it’s only fair

You do realize I’m advocating for San’layn right? Just as a customization for Blood Elves, because San’layn are literally just Blood Elves with a curse inflicted upon them.

I’m just saying that San’layn are also technically playable right now. It’s just a matter of time and requests that the customization is added to Blood Elves as a normal option.

But San’layn are definitely a waste of an Allied Race slot. They’re a reskin, and the only thing that makes them special is that they are pale and have red eyes. No different from a High Elf, and should be added into the game in the same way.

The proplem is they need their own racials and if anything it should go on forsaken…

A customization option is nothing if its racials aren’t undead like it’s just a goth living elf

Technically I am San’layn, so you already have San’layn in game.

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They really don’t. San’layn, again, lorewise, are literally Blood Elves.

They really shouldn’t.

Tell me, how much do racials matter? They don’t.

They do 4 theme and yes they do vampires basically undead… so forsaken suits it…

And if not then that doesnt solve the no unquie options 2 The undead… it’s just another stupid lazy living option

And it needs 2 be it’s own thing because it needs racials that suit a vampires nature

Plus it can give us undead druids as it’s own thing

Again you’re just not listening. Adding a customization option for Blood Elves as an Allied Race for the Undead is just not worth it.

I’m sorry I just don’t understand what you’re even trying to say here.

It really doesn’t. Racials matter very little. Heck you still have Orcs with Blood Fury. How does that make sense?

You cite lore one second then throw it out the window the next.

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It’s not unreasonable at all to class lock a skin. After all, DK and DH can’t use the gold eyes every other class can.

It’s not about useful on a undead I use cannibalism because it’s the theme for healing as a undead you eat a corpse… it’s not about usefull…

And if fat humans can be druids a vampire can 4 damn sure with bat and dark forms

And if it gives the undead an ally race it can take the slot because there’s no other real options 4 undead ally that wouldnt destroy the monster that undead are