Undead allied race Theory

I’m wondering if the current encryption is Blizzard testing their methodology to use on DF to prevent leaks.

It certainly would make sense to do so now with an expansion that’s at a wrap up of sorts, rather than risk leaks with their much touted new expansion.

Ion had mentioned something about their concerns regarding encryption and how to do it properly and perhaps this is their testing ground.

Be curious to see what actually gets into production next week.

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I’m excited to. I do enjoy some leaks but the not the whole entire thing.

they are making dracula and the vampires join the alliance

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I don’t know if you are joking but if you are not can you show information which shows this. I’m very curious of this. Although it is probably a joke.:grin:

It is hard to imagine that given just how badly news leaks from Blizzard, that they some how managed to keep the existence of two new allied races a secret this long. It would be nice if you are correct (thou I totally expect the Alliance to get hosed once more) but new options wouldn’t be a bad thing.

Plus we could have months of whining about the unlock process to look forward to :slight_smile:


Season 4 is encrypted, so they could be coming with that.

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Back around BFA, there was a mention that the Factions could change in terms of races, they also made a note that they may have one faction have more Allied races then the other.

Now take that as a grain of salt of information that neither of what they said happened in BFA. The main question is, why encrypt a whole story line for 9.2.5 that involves the Forsaken and Genn Greymane. That smells that those words they once said is either A) coming true, just a few years later or B) People are reading to much of a Leak of a Allied Race for pre order.

Look it would be nice for an Allied race, the big problem is who’s side is it going to be on and what player base you going to alienate with only a single addition? My bet is if anything it will be some customization options like the Night Elves and the Night Warrior Eye tints.

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I personally think it is more likely that the “allied race” is actually the Early Play Dracthyr pre-order bonus, and the leaker just thought it meant Allied Race.

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Well I guess no allied race and leak was pretending. I’m truth I was hoping for something but not completely.

Whoooooo caaaaaaaares.

This whole “UGHHH PLAYERS WHO PICKED THE OTHER COLOR GET SOMETHING” mentality is just so stupid.

The rumor said the allied race was coming with the preorder, not the 9.2.5 patch.

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Not really. People are generally invested in their characters. Why shouldn’t they get upset when things they’ve been asking for for years, are then given to the enemy faction?

That is true but either way the darkfallen customization looks really good my only wish it could could come to nightbonre but maybe one day. I’m still excited to see what is next!

they undead are ugly and should not be in the game. The horde can keep them

Ditto. I’m hoping they’re fixing that.

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maybe they can make vampire race of undead for allianice

After the undead customization options added as part of Shadowlands, and 8.3 patch’s questline, i feel a lot more settled about the forsaken situation.
I think between the darkfallen customization options and alliance race DKs, alliance have all the undead-adjacent playable characters we will expect to see.

imagine vampire alliance though

alliance get tuskarr and horde get gnolls

vampiure tuskars???