Undead allied race Theory

While I like the concept of vampire or darkfallen we all have to remember that one the alliance might still have a few people who do not like undead but maybe can see that they are rather same person with a curse like worgens. The other is there might not even add a allied race but might happen in the future.

9.2.5 announced, no allied races :confused:

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I’m not getting my hopes up but there are stuff still hidden in ptr still and I will give up completely when I see the undercity quest and dragon flight pre orders.

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The allied races weren’t rumored to come with the patch, they’re rumored to come with the preorder.


Can’t wait for the disappointment when all this ends up being nothing.

I hope people understand that leaks are never to completely trusted. The only reason I believe there is a evens tiny chance to be true is wow is hiding things on ptr and a undead allied race would Mae sense in shadowlands.

It is mysterious all the encryption. But I highly doubt it will amount to much. Giving blizz too much credit and I think a huge crowd of people will be mad if another race gets introduced when so many, ARs especially, are lacking in customization options. The burn becomes worse when you remember the lie that we were going to get more, post SL launch.

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You are probably right and I’m not going to get my hopes up. However it might happen and truthfully I’m hoping we see something happen to both undercity and night elf tree.

Oh, I would love for another race to play. I love all of them. It would be something to do since the expansion is over. I enjoyed getting Heritage Armor when I did that like 2 years ago or so now.


I hope all races get heritage armor I’m hoping for human, dracthyr, and night elf.

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The Vrykul would be great allied race for that.

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So the Alliance would get to steal another Horde race.


This was promised a while back I remember… here is hoping.

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No not steal but allow the people of under city to make a choice that the dark lady would not ever allowed.

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Calia sucks and blizzard should feel bad for pushing her.


They would never do it for a lot of reasons but I would like the races to not be faction specific. It happens all the time in the lore where someone of one race joins the other faction for whatever reason.

There is so much intermingling now, if I’m a Human why can’t I be horde etc.

Plenty of lore reasons this could be a thing since the races are already spread out(orcs on human lands, undead all over the place, elves etc.). A lot of time has passed as well

example: I’m a human who grew up and lived on a farm in the Barrens. Why would I have any loyalty to stormwind? All my friends are probably orcs and tauren.

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calia is my queen , you can’t talk about her like this :rage:

I hope I have not upset anyone this theory seem to me a close idea that might happen but it is theory and more than likely there might not even be a allied race at all.:blush:


While I think this is plausable, I hope they dont add another NE / BE only class.

Stop giving the most popular race everything!

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I even hope for just customization on night/blood elf dark ranger looks.