Uncomfortable Situation is a casual and laid back alliance guild on Icecrown. We are currently looking for roles to fill our raid team! We ask for all inquirers to be 18+, mature, and all in all, not a dick. We want to progress but most importantly, we play to have fun and that’s all that matters. If you’re not quiet ready for raiding, no problem! We run keys throughout the day everyday and will have no problem getting you the gear that you need.
Raid Times: Tuesday/Saturday 7:30-10/10:30 central
Progression: 8/8N 5/8H TEP
Needing: DPS!
Preferred classes:
DPS - DH, Rogue, Monk
You can reach me through my discord @ “Shibae#4038” or if you catch me in game, the name is “Shibaè”. Or you can reach out to our guild leader, “Toxic” and her discord is “Toxic#8105”. Hope to talk to you soon!
New guild name, still great people looking for some more friends
Still looking for dps to finish out our roster. Any and all specs are welcome to inquire!
Hey all,
Are you still recruiting? Returning player looking for a home for myself and my family. I am a 420 Rogue, with a 420 Heals/Tank paladin and a 418 hunter with me. We have low level mythic experience looking for an active guild.
Hiya! If you and your family are still looking for a home, we are definitely still recruiting! We can take everyone You can reach me faster through my discord, Shibae#4038
We are still looking for some solid dps to fill our roster in preparation of 8.3!
I am on IceCrown and would love to join ur guild. I am a ilvl 403 BM hunter. Please let me know
Feel free to add me on bnet Sayajin88#1655 or reach out to shi @ SHIBAE#1329 We would love to have you
I sent u a rqst. It should be from RisaVirus