Uncap psychic scream so it can reliably be used to stop casts in mythic+

for sure, but lets be real pve has sucked for along time now… nothing new

Apparently we had one in beta, they took it away because: “We have too much utility.”

Yes: the class that brings no Brez and no bloodlust… somehow has too much utility. lol


Holy and Disc never had an interrupt in beta.

Priests were asking for it, but Blizzard said “We thought about it and no” basically.

The bigger travesty is they took away Shining force because shining force caused too much CC in the game. But they gave AoE knockbacks to other classes instead. :upside_down_face: So any actual CC problem was something they invented in this expansion anyway.

Oh and they refuse to give us vault of the heavens because as a choice node with leap of faith, vault would always be better. Even though, you know, they could give us both. And to add insult to injury, Evoker’s mobility resets are all tied to leap of faith.

Realistically, they just randomly decided priest needed to get nerfed a lot. And in the recent patch they’re going back on that. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for utility/CC.

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There was a talanet that made i think divine star interrupt/silence or disorient or something.

**Wickedness:**Divine Star and Halo now deal Shadow damage and gain an additional effect:

  • Wicked Star: Divine Star deals additional Shadow damage over 6 seconds to enemies in its path. Enemies hit by Divine Star are silenced for 2 seconds.
  • Wicked Halo: Enemies damaged by Halo are dealt additional Shadow damage over 6 seconds. Each enemy hit by Halo reduces its cooldown by 3 seconds, up to 15 seconds.

This was a disc silence specifically and I don’t think it was ever in a playable build. :stuck_out_tongue:

They removed the silence like immediately after posting those trees and turned it into a DoT effect, and that was playable. Which wasn’t too surprising because Divine star having a 4 second silence uncapped in AoE was bonkers level change.

Kind of my thoughts about CC atm.

Psychic Scream = Lasts about 1-2s (even with Sheer Terror) and only useful for getting one interrupt out.
Void Tendrils = Breaks instantaneously on any kind of group AOE damage so its useless in dungeons.
Chastise = A lot of mobs that are immune to chastise stun so I don’t even talent it.
Dominate Mind = Drops creatures down to m0 damage, but its useful.

The way the trash is designed is a bit confusing because you’ll have triple caster packs where 1 of them is the most dangerous, but they’re completely stun/cc immune so I can’t do anything to them as a Holy healer.

Bring back Shining Force :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Taking it from a class with arguably the least utility confused me. But I will say that void tendrils is super nice vs. the spiteful affix. It’s not an interrupt but both psychic scream and tendies this are aces this week.

Edit: changed inspiring to spiteful. My brain lol

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Honestly the weird unit capping for Priests is a huge indicator of blizzard just hating the class.

Psychic Scream capping at such a low number means basically every other class is more desirable in pushing M+, Everyone wants to triple pull and as a priest you cannot be in a rotation to effectively control the trash pulls, so you’d assume we would be making up for it with “damage” or Healing output.

But no, blizzard enforces the same arbitrary caps on our damaging abilities. Shadow crash has a weird target cap, so pulls have to lock at 8, anything above 8 means you as the priest will not be doing the same damage output as any other dps. You instantly become undesirable in high end content because of the cap. Obviously tanks can adjust their pulls to account for the priest… but why should they? We don’t bring anything else that makes us worth it. We aren’t bringing big interrupts, biggest damage, biggest buffs… We’ve become the B-string class.

In a vaccum where everyone is equally skilled the priest is the best at nothing and an optimized team build would never include a priest. Its just gotten so bad that there is basically nothing were even the second best at currently. Holy is not the best healer but is also not providing damage or interrupts. Discipline is arguably the hardest and least viable healer in half of all content. Shadow has some of the worst single target out put, insane button bloat and hit or miss aoe.

I know they will eventually get to fixing it… but given the complete lack of response so far I am assuming we wont see this until 10.1.5 or 10.2.0 At this point im just hoping they are willing to continue adjusting minor numbers. My first suggestion would be Silence becomes an “All priest” talent and matches evokers quell (no clue why they get the exact same spell on 40% of the cd). Shadow crash cd reduce by like 10 seconds with the VT hit cap removed outright, and Psychic scream gets uncapped and makes them stand in place.

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I’m not sure which planet you’re on, but Shadow absolutely slaps in keys right now. They have very high AOE damage output and Vampiric Embrace is pretty op. I’ve had multiple Shadow Priests in my group do 12mil+ healing the entire dungeon and most of that was Vampiric Embrace doing 500-600k healing to the group a cast. When VE is up I don’t even really need to heal the group at all. lol

Having quad PI is also kind of bonkers because we could do big pulls w/ Hero + quad PI and stuff just fell over.

Holy and Disc both slap on damage output right now after the buffs. Disc is kind of meta now and will pick up in popularity as the seasons progress.

Removing this from the GCD was great. Spriests in dungeons I’ve played with now actually hit the button in pugs. It’s fantastic.