Uncap MMR immediately

They just don’t care about arena. They developed Battleground Blitz thats what they want us to play.

Just watch the Venruki interview with that PvP dev. He seemed like a nice guy but he could care less about arena.

Like most of the wow playerbase tbh

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That is true but blizzard needs to just come out and say this. Beating a dead horse does nothing

If they remove arena they are gonna have a lot of lawsuits from the rank 1 communities families for what happens next

They removed 5v5, people complained they didn’t care.

Classic WoW has 5v5. People enjoyed it asked for it back crickets.

They couldn’t care less about what Rank 1 players or their communities think.

This absolutely sucks.

As someone who’s capped out in the 1600-1800 range in the last couple xpacs- it leaves me to spend a good number of weeks feeling like no meaningful rewards are accessible to me (not to mention the free tier piece for hitting 1600).

When they had the token for an elite piece in DF, I hit 1600 on several toons and could unlock the elite shoulder appearance on them. I don’t usually transmog helms so that was enough for me. I had a blast, played alts and told anyone who’d listen that it was a great time to play and that I was really enjoying WoW.

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Ill be back when they uncap MMR. TBH IDK if ill come back. It feels like im in a neglectful relationship. They keep giving me signals that they dont care how I feel and dont value me but I still keep thinking they’ll change.

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Its a video game lol

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Just…play or don’t if it’s fun and if you just want rewards then queue blitz or in 3 months when the ladder is 400 points higher.

That is the problem. And it snowballs : less progress >>> less people queing >>> less canon fodder >>> even more deflated ladder.


Sadly it’s no longer elite appearance head/shoulder from vendor at 1600 :\

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I know! Insult to injury from Blizz on that one.

Real talk when you say “people complained” and “people enjoyed it” (original 5s that is, not redux 5s) like 11ppl missed it, and half of the reason it got removed was brought on by the community itself - it was by far and away the most exploited venue for wintrading to glad/r1 on backwater battlegroups at 5am. Participation TANKED after that activity starting getting policed. Bajillion percent 5s going the way of the dinosaur was fueled by playerbase, not Blizzard.

I play rated pvp to compete with others around my skill level and to challenge myself with more difficult opponents as i get better at the class im playing. If I want to turn my brain off and find not reward Ill go play a mobile game.

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You can do that right now.

right and because i CAN doesnt mean i should or want to. I want to enjoy this game and specifically rated pvp. Either you’re trolling or have no idea what the point of my post was. either way have fun and GL. I wont be checking back so feel free to post whatever inane response you want . thanks for the interest in my habbits and desires.


in order to get ur 2100 achieve and title

u must first beat 3400 professional rank1 blizzcon champion

the system is working as it should. stop crying and get good. stop looking for handoujt

More or less.


slurp slurp slurp mmmm daddy blizzard slurp

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It’s not a hard cap.

It’s not a time gate either.

The lower mmr we’re seeing in shuffle/3s is ENTIRELY because the lower-end of the playerbase is playing blitz instead. If the bottom 1k of the ladder goes elsewhere, the top end of the ladder also drops by 1k.

It’s why blitz is 3k+ mmr even though rbg rank 1 mmr is usually around 2400 and why shuffle/3s are ~600+ mmr lower.

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