"Unbroken Selffound Champion" buff just disappeared

Dear Community, dear Blizzard Developers,

after ten days of /played, my selffound warrior “Grinsekatze” finally reached level 60! I was so happy. Minutes later, due to a bug, I lost my “unbroken selffound champion” buff and my disappointment was unspeakable. My Duo Partner “Unwürdig” didn’t even get the buff. I am from Europe, so I payed for a second (U.S.) account and got a character to level 10, just to be able to post here, because our gamemasters couldn’t help. I am reaching out to you, dear community, to spread word about this issue, (me and my friend can proof via screenshots/video) so we might get heard by Blizzard developers to fix the problem. The selffound community may be small, but I suppose we all are into the game wholeheartedly! I play WoW since Vanilla and never ever have I felt the need to write a forum post, but this time I’m asking for help! Me, my friend and probably hundreds of people want our,their buffs back!


Grinsekatze, Horde, EU - Nek’rosh (classic hardcore)

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What exactly were you doing when you lost the buff? You have screenshots and video? Are there any common factors between all of the players who lost their buff? Can you provide anything of substance to help narrow this down other than “After 60 the buff disappeared”? Were you logged in when it happened? Where were you logged in? What were you doing? What were the people around you doing? What was happening in the game world? What recently happened in the game world?

I have a video of my “bug” event. Images can be seen here. If you look through the thread you can get a detailed idea. This is a simple bug that happens to everyone who dings 60 as SF AFTER the patch. Pretty straight forward.

it just disappeared… I ding’d 60 - was at the mount trainer in Org, logged out for 5 min., came back - boom - buff was gone. The common factor probably is: getting lvl 60 + that blizz put SOD on the classic client, wich caused major issues (for example ppl got ported to ashenvale and died to elites, using the Gnomeregan teleporter in BB). I was just standing around on my fresh 60 mount when it happened. Doing nothing in particular. no Players around me.