<Unbroken> Recruiting

Pagle - Alliance

Raid times:
Tuesday 7:45-11:15PM EST (8/10 farm clear)
Thursday 7:45 -11:15PM EST (alternating vash / KT progression)

Loot System
Hybrid LC + SR system (always a chance at loot every raid from Day 1)

Is Unbroken a good fit for you?
We are a semi core guild who focuses on clearing content in a fun but effective way. We are currently 8/10 on farm. Tuesday dedicated to 8/10 and Thursday for progression on Vash (6% best attempt) and KT (focusing P4/P5).

Class Recruitment

  • 1 Enhance
  • 1 Ele or restore


  • 2 BM or Survival


  • 1 Shadow Priest

Other exceptional players always considered especially playing with other friends!

Message me on discord or reply below if interested!