Just checked- still no Storm Lord. Thankful to see its not just me experiencing this. Hopefully they do something about it…
Got home from work servers came back up. Logged in to check. Nope still the same three…this some bs
Seriously - it’s been DAYS since storm has spawned on thrall. I assume every server gets the same spawns since you can cross server group and it’s always the same spawns for everyone’s server. I have even taken to waking up in the middle of the night for the last two days to check and it still never spawns!!! Saw it once like 3-4 days ago right as we were leaving for a family event >.< we are down to two spawning times… I hope Blizzard corrects this in the next few hours
We only get 1 more rotation. So, should we open mass tickets about this event being complete a stick in the mud for DFs launch??? I’ve been camping this event since the 25th, and not 1 air storm. I don’t think this went as planned…we should be able to buy the Dimmed Primeval’s for 125-150 Primeval Essence. Give everyone a chance to obtain rewards when they have the time and can pay the clear-cut cost. Why add the RNG when the devs have stated they would like to move away from FOMO rewards?
Bliz better force this air to spawn before the launch. This is crazy it hasn’t been up during normal hours for days.
One spawn seen, two kills, and no drops. I’ve been on a lot in the last two days on Nesingwary and no spawns at all.
This is my 4th day watching I even set alarms for every three hours at night to get up and check…
I saw Unbridled once several days ago, no drops. Silly me spent my entire Sunday camping this guy (and my days off are rare). I even set my alarm to get up in the middle of the night. Still no luck. But, I have over 500 essences - lol. Now I need to head to work; so, I can’t play again before the release. If Blizzard is reading these posts, please come up with a solution. I just came back to the game after a 7 month absence excited about the expansion, but feeling a little bit…frustrated…
At this point the lack of even a simple acknowledgment from Blizzard is almost more frustrating than the issue itself.
they will claim its their low staff issue
I’m really disappointed with this Storm Elemental issue. Hope they can fix this somehow
It’s time for mass tickets
Stayed up all night watching the spawns. This bug sucks. Really hope they make it possible to obtain the trinket still
I have seen the storm once on Kil’jaeden since the event dropped. I didn’t even get the dimmed when farming it for the two hours. I have all the dimmed I need but that one. Will there be a continuation of this event with a fix so we can get our trinkets?
Just adding a “me too”. Guess I’ll see what happens on this last spawn but since they have yet to even acknowledge it I won’t hold my breath.
This is really disheartening and a bad sign for the expansion if it’s already starting on bad footing like this.
I had taken a long hiatus from Grindtopia in Shadowlands (plus Depressing AS HECK Storylines).
I came back because of the dracthyr.
My subscription expires at the end of the year.
If the Storm Fiasco is emblematic of the future of the game, I have better and cheaper things to spend my money on.
Like Booze, or food, or even charities.
well then they can extend the event and fix it
Welp, another reset and no storm. We might have… one more chance? Maybe?
Adding to the chorus that this really sucks. I didn’t have any time to play prepatch prior to this weekend due to the holidays, so realizing that it was literally impossible for me to finish the trinket is a giant bummer.
Please consider some of the suggestions in this thread to correct the issue, because as is, this left a really bad taste in a lot of mouths.
i love the threads where people are like ohh i got it its not that big of a deal…its a FOS its a unobtainable trink after this…to us its a big deal