I got mine 5 days ago, and have been trying to help a friend with it since then. Currently I’m leveling alts in the zones and handing out extras. insert Starship Troopers “I’m Doing My Part.” here
Un’goro just spawned air.
Wind is up for the next 3 hours in Un’Goro Crater!
Area 52… spawned 2 waters and an Ice. NO STORM
Wha? That’s absolute butts. Supposedly we’ll be able to get the Heirloom post launch.
The unbridled storm lord is up on sentinels right now.
Thanks for hotfixing this issue. Best of luck to everyone!
@Dev Team Still no boss and it looks like the event got pulled as ALL spots went down with over an HOUR left on the timer. at this point the Dimmed Primeval Storm and the Heirloom Unstable Elemental Confluence should be given to ALL players as the issue was not fixed or resolved
Same here - nothing anywhere. Once again, the fix only makes things worse.
At this point we all might as well bombard support with tickets
The event seems to be over - one hour prematurely, I guess - since the Uldaman dungeon was pulled from LFG as well. I do appreciate that the trinket will still be available later in the expansion; however the FoS most likely won’t be. Which then makes this the first pre-patch feat I’ve missed since pre-patch feats existed.
And “lack of dedication” sure wasn’t to blame for this. Thanks, Blizz.
Just got home from a long day of work. NO storm boss. Looks like they may have brought him back once while most of us in the U.S. are at work. The devs just keep the hits coming.
I just put in a ticket saying the following:
Unbridled Storm Lord didn’t show up ALL WEEKEND. Despite me checking over and over. Apparently you brought him back once today while most of us are at work, including me. I was so busy with life and kids and grandkids I thought I would take this weekend to catch up. That’s what I get for trusting the dev’s process. Thanks for nothing.
Add me to your list of disappointed and working players as well, really discouraging, to finally see the Storm boss and just as i whacked him, he de-spawned
Oh, that’s lovely for people who don’t live in the game and had to, you know, adult a bit during the day.
Directed at Blizz, not you.
Thanks alot for releasing it when everyone was at work. This Is so unfair blizz
I opened a ticket, they closed it down without doing or saying anything. Really a slap in the face for paying customers with an issue with their product. This event was literally broken and impossible to finish for days until it ended. That’s absurd
My ticket was closed as resolved with a canned message about resetting my WTF, checking he forums for a work around, or asking the community how to fix it. I am not sure if my response is much better than yours, tbh.
I had two down him twice to get the achievement to pop too.